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post Jan 31 2018, 09:18
Post #1101

Swimsuit Girl
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I think ethereal is fine for 1H at a low level, actually preferred. As long as you still die occasionally, survival has use, and low burden and interference helps you survive. That's also why swift strike is still my third favorite potency on 1H rapiers, and I'll allow small amounts if it appears.

At some point though ethereal is bad. Since igs88 got a gold star and is now level 351, he should probably start looking for an elemental rapier but he doesn't have to rush. The ethereal rapier he has now is only temporary anyway.

I'm still looking for both a better ethereal rapier and demonic rapier. I only like demonic because that's what the game gives me. (The only three useful legendary drops I've ever had were all black).
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post Jan 31 2018, 09:32
Post #1102

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QUOTE(BlueWaterSplash @ Jan 31 2018, 14:18) *

I think ethereal is fine for 1H at a low level, actually preferred. As long as you still die occasionally, survival has use, and low burden and interference helps you survive. That's also why swift strike is still my third favorite potency on 1H rapiers, and I'll allow small amounts if it appears.

At some point though ethereal is bad. Since igs88 got a gold star and is now level 351, he should probably start looking for an elemental rapier but he doesn't have to rush. The ethereal rapier he has now is only temporary anyway.

I'm still looking for both a better ethereal rapier and demonic rapier. I only like demonic because that's what the game gives me. (The only three useful legendary drops I've ever had were all black).

I never thought to retire my ethereal slaughter now and I think I'll use it forever or till I get the better ethereal slaughter. I still prefer ethereal because my burden is 64.3 with ethereal if I use the elemental one, I'll get pass 70 and my speed+evade will be 0 and my crit chance dropped.

[Correct me if I'm wrong] again because I'm still new in this level...
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post Jan 31 2018, 10:01
Post #1103

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Anyone who like to play grindfest or at least clear it once, how many crystal a monster can drop in later rounds?

I can't really understand the formula in the wiki mmm...

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post Jan 31 2018, 10:45
Post #1104

Hataraku Noni-sama
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QUOTE(VawX @ Jan 31 2018, 09:01) *

Anyone who like to play grindfest or at least clear it once, how many crystal a monster can drop in later rounds?

I can't really understand the formula in the wiki mmm...


50 @cryst5
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post Jan 31 2018, 11:00
Post #1105

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QUOTE(DJNoni @ Jan 31 2018, 15:45) *

50 @cryst5

Ah I see, so that's how the min work, thanks mmm...~!
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post Jan 31 2018, 11:03
Post #1106

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QUOTE(allgentleman @ Jan 30 2018, 22:01) *

how to decide the quality of an equipment?

like for rapier, except the Quality, it should be better with a Ethereal prefix and a Slaughter suffix, right?
for shield, is only block chance?
what about the heavy suit? and power suit.

Attached Image
how the IW 2 means?
ADB is attack damage bouns, right? The higher the better?

so hard to change the equips....

As a general approach, all builds want to be durable and do as much damage as possible. Anything that accomplishes that for you is better. Always keep that in mind first and foremost. Also, raising offense is typically better than raising durability. You need to be durable enough to not die, but once you reach that point, more durability doesn't help you as much. More offense speeds up how fast you kill things, and therefore reduces how much enemy attacks you have to endure.

Many people will try to tell you only about the best of the best. If it isn't 10/10, it's trash. Hopefully, I can help you see the underlying logic behind what makes equipment good, so you can figure out if a 9/10 gear is worth it, or if you even want to settle for an 8/10. They're all really good, but if you hold out for only 10/10 while wearing 2/10 gear, you'll have a harder time.

Some choices, like Magnificent instead of Exquisite, or Legendary instead of Magnificent are big improvements to your gear. You should mostly care about that before worrying about other details. A Legendary rapier of Swiftness is probably better than most Magnificent rapiers (except maybe Magnificent rapier of Slaughter). Quality tier improvements like this affect all stats of the gear, with simply better potential all over.

Slaughter weapons/power armor simply have more (usually about 20% to 25% more) ADB than non-Slaughter things. This makes them very attractive, therefore expensive. That said, a really low ADB% Magnificent of Slaughter is going to be worse than a high ADB% legendary of non-Slaughter.

Balance weapons and armor add a little bit to offense, but not as much as Slaughter. I wouldn't really treat them any differently than Nimble or Protection suffixed gear. Durability suffixes like Nimble and Protection are still of some use but remember the main point. Offense usually helps more, and most people can acquire enough durability without relying on suffixes to get to that comfort zone.

Prefixes on weapons and armor are mostly "if you have one it is better than not having one." When you get into legendary equipment, you'll always have one. Magnificent about half the time doesn't.

Once you're past the point where "something is better than nothing" then there are opinions on which ones are better and why. Such as the ethereal vs elemental weapon prefix. Other cases it is much simpler: Savage prefix on power armor raises critical damage a little bit, which is more than any other power armor prefix (which add only to durability).

Your shield follows a similar, but slightly different, set of considerations. Force shields are better than Bucklers with the "Barrier" suffix which are better than Kite shields which are better than other Bucklers. This is due to how much block stat the shields have. Higher BLK% stat is the main thing to look at. Wearing a shield is the privilege of the 1h build, and the main point of the shield is how much block it gives you, raising your durability a lot, but also increasing your offense through counterattacks.

Shields are also a little strange in that there are four PABs that can be on a shield: STR, DEX, AGI, and END. But only three of those four. There is a small preference for STR+DEX+END (usually referred to as SDE) because AGI is practically useless for the 1h+heavy build. If you have a shield with AGI on it, pretend it has a 0 for that stat, and treat it as simply having less than 3 PABs. A Legendary shield with high block but "missing" a PAB is better than a low block shield with three.

After that, some people prefer certain prefixes or suffixes, but they all add to durability on a shield, so we're mostly arguing over tiny fractions of importance at that point.

Overall, there are lots of little decisions you could wind up making. "This is better than that." Almost nobody will tell you "this is 10% better than that" or "this is 50% better than that" or anything that detailed, so it is easy to get the wrong impression that you have to only take the absolute best.

Just look at any two pieces of gear, and see all the different things that one is better at than the other. You might see two shields with very similar stats, but one has higher STR and the other has higher END. It's up to you to decide which is more necessary to you and by how much. As you compare lots of pieces of gear over time, you'll tend to learn which differences are so small you ignore them, and which ones really matter.
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post Jan 31 2018, 12:01
Post #1107

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QUOTE(igs88 @ Jan 31 2018, 14:32) *


If you use fighting style : 1 handed, you better use rapier (ethereal+slaughter), force shield, and heavy power equipments.

If you use niten or DW you better use leather equipments.

Spirit shield is not really useful for low level (under 250 or 300) because it's limit is 50% damage but when you reach level 250+ spirit shield is a must.

IW means you unlocked the equipment's inner potecials, in your example butcher is the best, the best pair are fat-but *ooppss..

-fatality and butcher..

[Correct me if I'm wrong]

ok, thanks (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif)
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post Jan 31 2018, 12:01
Post #1108

Swimsuit Girl
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There's no rapiers of swiftness.
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post Jan 31 2018, 12:12
Post #1109

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QUOTE(Cryosite @ Jan 31 2018, 17:03) *

As a general approach, all builds want to be durable and do as much damage as possible. Anything that accomplishes that for you is better. Always keep that in mind first and foremost. Also, raising offense is typically better than raising durability. You need to be durable enough to not die, but once you reach that point, more durability doesn't help you as much. More offense speeds up how fast you kill things, and therefore reduces how much enemy attacks you have to endure.

really thanks, it helps a lot (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif)
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post Jan 31 2018, 14:43
Post #1110
Void Domain

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QUOTE(sangerex @ Jan 30 2018, 18:48) *

Guys, i saw that many prefer rapier with cold element over ethereal. Could you guys please tell me the reason?

Because fire shield is the best.
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post Jan 31 2018, 15:24
Post #1111

Hataraku Noni-sama
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QUOTE(Void Domain @ Jan 31 2018, 13:43) *

Because fire shield is the best.

not much difference actually... I think you will not notice the difference in DWD clear time.
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post Jan 31 2018, 15:29
Post #1112
Void Domain

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QUOTE(DJNoni @ Jan 31 2018, 21:24) *

not much difference actually... I think you will not notice the difference in DWD clear time.

Yes only in deep gf you will see the difference. But as a mage I just use scroll so no spike shield anyway.
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post Feb 1 2018, 14:43
Post #1113

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I am doing OH/shield on x20 to farm exp.

Which shield is better?

And weaponwise I am currently using

I am considering an upgrade into either
https://hentaiverse.org/equip/151783420/80a6e90d5f on soulfuse
(Incidentally I offered the seller 500k for this, was that about par?)

I also bought https://hentaiverse.org/equip/151095526/dae402932a off the shop a while ago. Is this any good?

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post Feb 1 2018, 14:50
Post #1114

Hataraku Noni-sama
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QUOTE(REcount @ Feb 1 2018, 13:43) *

I am doing OH/shield on x20 to farm exp.

Which shield is better?

And weaponwise I am currently using

I am considering an upgrade into either
https://hentaiverse.org/equip/151783420/80a6e90d5f on soulfuse
(Incidentally I offered the seller 500k for this, was that about par?)

I also bought https://hentaiverse.org/equip/151095526/dae402932a off the shop a while ago. Is this any good?


The force shield is much better. Just remember that it's not an end-game force shield. And that ethereal rapier of slaughter is by far, by far the best option you have (by far). 500k? Sounds okay, maybe a little cheap.

That axe you bought isn't very good, sorry...

This post has been edited by DJNoni: Feb 1 2018, 14:51
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post Feb 1 2018, 15:13
Post #1115

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QUOTE(DJNoni @ Feb 1 2018, 14:50) *

The force shield is much better. Just remember that it's not an end-game force shield. And that ethereal rapier of slaughter is by far, by far the best option you have (by far). 500k? Sounds okay, maybe a little cheap.

That axe you bought isn't very good, sorry...

Should I invest in upgrading that force shield then?

On that note, how long can I expect to use the rapier and how much should I upgrade it? (Past +5 or no?)

Can you explain why the axe isn't good? I bought it for 20k off the in-game shop (which incidentally is where most my m-quality power armor comes from, couldn't find anything I can use when I just hit the 300s, still can't now lol), and while the adb looks good, I knew it likely would not have ended up in the shop if it was actually worth a penny.
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post Feb 1 2018, 15:19
Post #1116

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QUOTE(REcount @ Feb 1 2018, 20:13) *

Should I invest in upgrading that force shield then?

On that note, how long can I expect to use the rapier and how much should I upgrade it? (Past +5 or no?)

Can you explain why the axe isn't good? I bought it for 20k off the in-game shop (which incidentally is where most my m-quality power armor comes from, couldn't find anything I can use when I just hit the 300s, still can't now lol), and while the adb looks good, I knew it likely would not have ended up in the shop if it was actually worth a penny.

At your level, start looking up WTS in the forum for equip.

For the force shield, while the BLK% is good, the PAB isn't SDE, so it's not really desirable for mid->end game equip. (Strength is an important part of your ADB)

As for the axe:
- First, the prefix, for 1H, preferred prefix is Hallowed, Demonic or Arctic.
- The ADB for the level is not even 70%, a general cut-off point for auction equip (aka good enough to be use)
- PAB: S% and D% is too low.
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post Feb 1 2018, 15:25
Post #1117

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Okay okay balance is for more offensive powers ╰(*´︶`*)╯ and nimble for more defense BUTT considering for ninten what are the cool kids using (✧ω✧) ?

I assumed that with an agile set + swift strike 10 + FRD I could just go balance for the h-hayai (((ง’ω’)و三三三三 ง’ω’)ڡ≡ ☆⌒ミ((x_x) build but is like, 4% crit chance, 20% accuracy (does it even matter if I forge) vs 15% parry... that is a lot of parry...

This post has been edited by reality_marble: Feb 1 2018, 15:29
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post Feb 1 2018, 15:28
Post #1118

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QUOTE(UnknowDestroyer @ Feb 1 2018, 15:19) *

At your level, start looking up WTS in the forum for equip.

For the force shield, while the BLK% is good, the PAB isn't SDE, so it's not really desirable for mid->end game equip. (Strength is an important part of your ADB)

As for the axe:
- First, the prefix, for 1H, preferred prefix is Hallowed, Demonic or Arctic.
- The ADB for the level is not even 70%, a general cut-off point for auction equip (aka good enough to be use)
- PAB: S% and D% is too low.

My percentile script only gives ADB%, is there a script that also gives % for PABs? It does show % for mage equipment, but not for plate and leather class armor and weapons.
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post Feb 1 2018, 15:45
Post #1119

Hataraku Noni-sama
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QUOTE(REcount @ Feb 1 2018, 14:28) *

My percentile script only gives ADB%, is there a script that also gives % for PABs? It does show % for mage equipment, but not for plate and leather class armor and weapons.

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post Feb 1 2018, 16:36
Post #1120

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I'm planning to soulfuse a shield, which one I should go?

this or this?

But my soulfrags is still low...
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