[Magnificent Longsword of Balance] [Magnificent Cotton Pants of the Demon-fiend] [Magnificent Jade Shade Boots of the Fleet] [Magnificent Amber Phase Robe of Mjolnir] [Magnificent Redwood Staff of the Elementalist] [Magnificent Zircon Cotton Cap of the Demon-fiend] [Magnificent Mithril Power Gauntlets of Warding] [Magnificent Cobalt Cotton Cap of the Heaven-sent] [Magnificent Cotton Pants of the Earth-walker] [Magnificent Ruby Phase Gloves of Niflheim] [Magnificent Redwood Staff of Destruction] [Magnificent Power Armor of Warding] [Magnificent Redwood Staff of Mjolnir] [Magnificent Cotton Pants of the Elementalist] [Magnificent Power Gauntlets of Warding] [Magnificent Mithril Power Armor of Warding] [Magnificent Onyx Phase Robe of Heimdall] [Magnificent Buckler of Protection] [Magnificent Hallowed Rapier of Slaughter] [Magnificent Power Armor of Warding] [Magnificent Cobalt Phase Shoes of Surtr]
This post has been edited by Kadokura: May 4 2017, 08:51