QUOTE(hitokiri84 @ Aug 5 2009, 04:37)
Alpha, you should turn the first post into an equipment database.
[Crude Sapphire Longsword of Slaughter]
[Fair Sapphire Rapier of the Raccoon]
I probably will but, I can't get an Equipment drop myself. And I don't understand what the various parts of the Equipment name mean, e.g., Fair Sapphire Rapier of the Raccoon
+ Fair - Better then a Crude version, I would expect.
+ Sapphire - What does this add/subtract from the weapon?
+ Rapier - basic weapon type - the snowflake post explains this much.
+ the Raccoon - Is this just a meaningless name or does this effect the weapon, too.
I guess I need everyone who reports any Equipment to post the Description from the Character>Equipment screen, too, for us to start to make sense of the weapons and armor. Also, perhaps between battles try adding/removing a weapon/armor and then seeing what it does to your stats.