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Common Name(s): Katalox, Wamara, Bannia
Scientific Name: Swartzia spp. (S. bannia, S. benthamiana, S. cubensis, etc.)
Distribution: Southern Mexico, Central America, and northern South America
Tree Size: 100-130 ft (30-40 m) tall, 2-4 ft (.6-1.2 m) trunk diameter
Average Dried Weight: 69 lbs/ft3 (1,110 kg/m3)
Basic Specific Gravity: .93
Hardness: 3,510 lbf (15,620 N)
Bending Strength: 28,330 lbf/in2 (195,400 kPa)
Elasticity: 3,360,000 lbf/in2 (23,170 MPa)
Shrinkage: Radial: 3.9%, Tangential: 7.6%, Volumetric: 11.2%, T/R Ratio: 1.9
Color/Appearance: Heartwood is a very dark brown to nearly black: sometimes with a red or purple hue. Sapwood is sharply demarcated and is a pale yellowish white.
Grain/Pore: Has very fine pores and a fine texture. The grain is usually straight, but can also be irregular or interlocked. A curly or wavy grain pattern is sometimes seen as well.
Durability: Varies depending upon species, with conflicting reports ranging from perishable to very durable. Heartwood is usually considered to have a high resistance to decay and termites; though it is susceptible to marine borers.
Workability: Katalox is typically considered difficult to work on account of its high density. The wood has a moderate to high blunting effect on cutters, and if there is interlocked grain present, tearout can occur during planing. Can be troublesome to glue because of its high density and natural oils present.
Smell: Katalox has a mild odor when being worked, somewhat similar to Honduran Rosewood.
Safety: Katalox has been reported to cause respiratory irritation in some individuals. See the articles Wood Allergies and Toxicity and Wood Dust Safety for more information.
Price Range: Likely to be somewhat expensive, on par with other exotic hardwoods such as Wenge or Cocobolo.
Comments: Katalox has exceptional strength properties, and is among the very stiffest and strongest lumber available worldwide. Its dark color makes it a popular substitute for ebony.
Some common uses for Katalox include: inlays, fine furniture and cabinetry, parquet flooring, turnings, and other small specialty items.
To summarise: If you're looking for the right wood to make a weapon for whacking monsters on the head with, Katalox, with its high stiffness and density, is an excellent, though expensive, choice.