Item World (Round 27 / 184) Green Slime dropped [Average Redwood Staff of Destruction]
Initializing Item World (Round 18 / 180) Scary Ghost dropped [Average Leather Helmet] Initializing Item World (Round 39 / 180) Rabid Hamster dropped [Fair Leather Breastplate of Protection] Initializing Item World (Round 64 / 180) Cookie Monster dropped [Average Mithril Kite Shield of Protection]
Initializing Item World (Round 77 / 180) Cookie Monster dropped [Fine Mithril Plate Helmet of the Hulk]
Initializing Item World (Round 3 / 224) Blue Hedgehog dropped [Average Cotton Gloves] Initializing Item World (Round 66 / 224) Cookie Monster dropped [Average Cotton Pants]
Initializing Item World (Round 32 / 163) Green Slime dropped [Crude Emerald Longsword of Balance]
Initializing Item World (Round 33 / 163) Mutant Peacock dropped [Fair Gossamer Shoes of the Fox]
Initializing Grindfest (Round 31) [Fine Cotton Pants of Warding]
Initializing Grindfest (Round 34) [Average Ebony Staff of Niflheim]
Initializing Grindfest (Round 24) Mutant Peacock dropped [Crude Emerald Club of Balance]
Initializing Grindfest (Round 8) Rabid Hamster dropped [Average Emerald Chainmail Coif of Deflection] Initializing Grindfest (Round 40) Blue Slime dropped [Average Emerald Axe of Balance] Initializing Grindfest (Round 44) Scary Ghost dropped [Fine Mithril Buckler of the Nimble]
Initializing Grindfest (Round 24) Green Slime dropped [Average Emerald Axe of Balance]
Initializing Grindfest (Round 10) Fire Fox dropped [Average Emerald Chainmail Boots]
Initializing Grindfest (Round 20) Blue Slime dropped [Fine Silk Pants of the Cheetah] Initializing Grindfest (Round 56) Fire Fox dropped [Crude Cotton Robe of Warding]