[Fair Ruby Chainmail Boots of the Frost-born] - Fresh Meat [Fair Ebony Staff of the Owl] - Apocalypse Soon [Fair Ruby Chainmail Coif] - Apocalypse Soon [Crude Dragon Hide Breastplate of Warding] - Power Flux [Average Cotton Cap] - Power Flux [Fine Ruby Dagger] - Dreamfall [Average Ruby Longsword of Slaughter] - Exile [Fair Leather Helmet of Protection] - Exile [Fine Ruby Axe] - A Feast for Crows [Average Ebony Staff of the Owl] - A Feast for Crows [Fine Ruby Buckler of Dampening] - Sealed Power [Average Leather Leggings of Negation] - New Wings From Item World - [Fine Ruby Longsword of Slaughter] [Average Cotton Robe of Protection] [Fine Silk Robe of the Raccoon] [Fair Leather Helmet of Warding] [Fair Leather Helmet] [Fair Ruby Chainmail Boots of the Frost-born] [Fair Ruby Shortsword of Balance] [Average Leather Helmet of Negation] [Fine Ruby Plate Sabatons of Deflection] [Fine Ruby Buckler of the Stone-skinned] [Average Leather Breastplate of Warding] [Fine Leather Boots of Protection] [Fine Ruby Shortsword of Slaughter] [Average Cotton Robe] [Fair Cotton Pants of the Thrice-blessed] [Fine Ruby Tower Shield of Protection] [Fine Leather Gauntlets of Warding] [Average Ruby Dagger] [Average Leather Breastplate] [Average Ruby Plate Greaves of the Frost-born] [Fine Leather Leggings of Negation] [Average Cotton Pants] [Fine Gossamer Gloves of the Owl] [Average Ruby Dagger of the Nimble] [Average Ruby Longsword] [Fair Silk Cap] [Average Gossamer Pants of the Owl] [Average Ruby Chainmail Mitons of Warding] [Average Ruby Plate Sabatons] [Average Ruby Axe of the Ox] [Fair Ruby Chainmail Hauberk] [Average Willow Staff of the Owl] [Fair Gossamer Pants of the Heaven-sent] From the Shrine - [Fair Silk Gloves of the Fleet] [Fair Cotton Shoes of Protection] [Fair Silk Gloves of the Raccoon] [Fair Cotton Robe of Warding] [Average Cotton Shoes of the Fire-eater] [Average Silk Shoes of the Raccoon] [Average Cotton Cap of Warding] [Fair Silk Shoes of the Fleet] [Fair Silk Gloves of the Raccoon] [Average Cotton Shoes of Protection]
My arena haul today - [Average Ruby Kite Shield of the Barrier] - Baby Steps [Fair Leather Leggings of Negation] - Learing Curves [Average Ruby Dagger] - A New Beginning [Average Ruby Shortsword of Slaughter] - Blazing Field [Fine Cotton Pants] - Growing Storm [Average Ruby Chainmail Mitons of Warding] - Growing Storm [Average Willow Staff of the Owl] - Power Flux [Average Ruby Plate Gauntlets of Warding] - Twisted Plots [Fine Leather Helmet of Protection] - Exile [Fine Leather Gauntlets of Protection] - Feast for Crows [Fine Cotton Gloves] - Feast for Crows [Fine Cotton Shoes] - Sealed Power [Average Silk Pants of the Cheetah] - New Wings [Average Ruby Dagger of the Nimble] - New Wings [Average Leather Gauntlets of the Fire-eater] - New Wings