QUOTE(cmdct @ May 31 2010, 18:53)

Funny but normal for newbies to dump good stuff, but this is more
funnierThis one is pretty amusing too. I sort of leveled it, so here are the original stats.
Average Phase Robe of the Elementalist
Attack Accuracy Bonus + 4.03 %
Magic Accuracy Bonus + 2.01 %
Physical Absorption + 0.33
Physical Mitigation + 1.40 %
Magical Absorption + 1.13
Magical Mitigation + 1.88 %
Evade Chance + 3.61 %
Resist Chance + 1.04 %
Proficiency Bonuses
Elemental + 7.33
Primary Attribute Bonuses
Intelligence + 0.35 Wisdom + 0.48
Agility + 0.07
Level 13 / Slot: Body / Type: Cloth armor