It's the dawn of a new day, so here's my loot from the last 24 hours - Average Oak Staff of the Fox - arena Average Emerald Estoc of Balance - arena Fine Emerald Plate Helmet - arena Fair Redwood Staff of Focus - shrine Fair Emerald Chainmail Coif of Warding - arena Fair Cotton Cap - arena Average Emerald Rapier of Balance - arena Fine Emerald Club of Balance - arena Average Emerald Buckler of the Fleet - arena Average Emerald Dagger of Slaughter - arena Fair Leather Leggings of Warding - arena Average Redwood Staff of Destruction - shrine Fine Oak Staff of the Earth-walker - shrine Fine Willow Staff of the Owl - shrine Fair Oak Staff of Heimdall - shrine Fine Emerald Buckler of Deflection - grindfest Fair Gossamer Shoes of the Fox - grindfest Average Emerald Buckler of Protection - arena Average Emerald Mace of the Ox - iw Crude Redwood Staff - shrine Average Silk Pants of the Cheetah - shrine Fine Emerald Chainmail Mitons of Warding - iw Average Emerald Rapier of Balance - iw Crude Emerald Plate Cuirass of Warding - iw Flimsy Emerald Chainmail Coif of Protection - iw Fair Cotton Pants - iw Average Redwood Staff of Focus - shrine Fair Redwood Staff - shrine