Rabid Hamster dropped
[Fair Platinum Shortsword of Focus]Item World round 6/72 - Normal
Fair Platinum Shortsword of Focus
Weapon Damage Type Slashing
Attack Damage Multiplier + 11.59 %
Attack Accuracy Bonus + 14.91 %
Attack Critical Bonus + 1.30 %
Magic Accuracy Bonus + 8.26 %
Magic Critical Bonus + 0.59 %
Parry Chance + 4.66 %
Burden + 8.23
Interference + 2.77
Primary Attribute Bonuses
Dexterity + 1.22
Hit Proc: 12% chance for Bleeding Wound
Duration: 2 turns / Damage: 62 per tick
Level 71 / Slot: 1handed / Type: One-handed weapon
Arena Clear Bonus! Received:
[Fine Platinum Plate Helmet]Learning Curves - Hell
Fine Platinum Plate Helmet
Physical Absorption + 4.00
Physical Mitigation + 2.33 %
Magical Absorption + 2.99
Magical Mitigation + 2.15 %
Burden + 18.13
Interference + 18.31
Damage Type Mitigations
Crushing + 1.89 Slashing + 5.48
Piercing + 3.21
Primary Attribute Bonuses
Strength + 0.98 Endurance + 0.74
Level 72 / Slot: Helm / Type: Heavy armor
Arena Clear Bonus! Received:
[Fine Cotton Shoes]Learning Curves - Hell
Fine Cotton Shoes
Physical Absorption + 1.42
Physical Mitigation + 0.61 %
Magical Absorption + 0.97
Magical Mitigation + 0.24 %
Evade Chance + 1.76 %
Burden + 4.93
Primary Attribute Bonuses
Agility + 1.19
Level 69 / Slot: Feet / Type: Cloth armor