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> The Equipment Thread, Whining about the equipment you got

post Jan 14 2010, 11:41
Post #3541

Ah ah ah... Vista is bad for you!
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So I notice that no one seems to know what the "of Desctruction" suffix means. I've been looking at it, and I think it gives a generic +magic damage bonus. I've noticed that most of the staves linked in this thread with that suffix tend to have more +magic damage on them than others. Unfortunately, the base +damage on staves, and the bonus from Destruction are so random that it's hard to be sure. However, since we don't know the "of Slaughter" equivalent for magic, "of Destruction" sounds like it could be that equivalent.

It was this staff, which I recently picked up, which gave me the idea.

This post has been edited by coredumperror: Jan 14 2010, 11:46
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post Jan 14 2010, 13:54
Post #3542

An Amateur Translator... #plak
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Arena Clear Bonus! Received:
[Average Leather Gauntlets of Protection]
Test of Faith-Normal
Average Leather Gauntlets of Protection

Physical Absorption + 2.45
Physical Mitigation + 2.44 %
Magical Absorption + 0.97
Magical Mitigation + 1.54 %
Evade Chance + 0.59 %
Resist Chance + 2.36 %
Burden + 5.47
Interference + 6.63
Damage Type Mitigations
Crushing + 1.03 Slashing + 1.13
Piercing + 0.09
Primary Attribute Bonuses
Agility + 0.24

Level 69 / Slot: Hands / Type: Light armor
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post Jan 14 2010, 15:17
Post #3543

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Arena Clear Bonus! Received:
[Average Titanium Club]
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post Jan 14 2010, 17:22
Post #3544

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21 6 Mutant Peacock dropped [Average Leather Breastplate]
Dark Skies - Round 9 / 10 - Normal
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post Jan 14 2010, 20:11
Post #3545

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QUOTE(coredumperror @ Jan 14 2010, 16:41) *

So I notice that no one seems to know what the "of Desctruction" suffix means. I've been looking at it, and I think it gives a generic +magic damage bonus. I've noticed that most of the staves linked in this thread with that suffix tend to have more +magic damage on them than others. Unfortunately, the base +damage on staves, and the bonus from Destruction are so random that it's hard to be sure. However, since we don't know the "of Slaughter" equivalent for magic, "of Destruction" sounds like it could be that equivalent.

It was this staff, which I recently picked up, which gave me the idea.

You should PM Alpha7 to update the first post (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)

Back to business
A Rolling Stone, r6/7
Rabid Hamster dropped [Average Platinum Axe of Balance]
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post Jan 14 2010, 22:39
Post #3546

Bounty Hunter Helper.
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Cockatrice dropped [Fair Steel Longsword] (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/happy.gif)
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post Jan 15 2010, 02:29
Post #3547

Godslayer Angelic Belldandy (On vacations)
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25 6 Cockatrice dropped [Fair Leather Helmet of Negation]
25 3 You are Victorious!
IW superior/normal round 39

QUOTE(marcho @ Jan 13 2010, 21:43) *

Fine Mithril Rapier of the Nimble

r77 of average/normal IW.

I've seen worse, 13 parry is pretty solid for a rapier.

(IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/ohmy.gif) what %parry is good for a rapier of the nimble at this level for you?
I didn't see any better (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/unsure.gif)
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post Jan 15 2010, 02:32
Post #3548
Alpha 7

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QUOTE(coredumperror @ Jan 14 2010, 04:41) *

So I notice that no one seems to know what the "of Desctruction" suffix means. I've been looking at it, and I think it gives a generic +magic damage bonus. I've noticed that most of the staves linked in this thread with that suffix tend to have more +magic damage on them than others. Unfortunately, the base +damage on staves, and the bonus from Destruction are so random that it's hard to be sure. However, since we don't know the "of Slaughter" equivalent for magic, "of Destruction" sounds like it could be that equivalent.

It was this staff, which I recently picked up, which gave me the idea.

I have confirmed the + MDM for "the Destruction". I have two Redwood D-Staves and an Ebony one that eliminates the Redwood bonuses, like + Forbidden Prof.,.

QUOTE(Jonavrek @ Jan 14 2010, 13:11) *

You should PM Alpha7 to update the first post (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)

What?! Other people read the thread, too? (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/blink.gif) Reading everyone else's posts helped me to score two equipment upgrades after PM'ing people about their drops.


I got these in an Item World earlier today...

12 6 Mantitcore dropped [Fair Leather Leggings of Protection]
0 1 Initializing Item World (Round 37 / 90) ...

Fair Leather Leggings of Protection

Physical Absorption + 4.62
Physical Mitigation + 1.55 %
Magical Absorption + 2.56
Magical Mitigation + 1.01 %

Evade Chance + 0.62 %
Resist Chance + 0.63 %

Burden + 8.49
Interference + 9.71

Damage Type Mitigations
Crushing + 1.10 Slashing + 1.00
Piercing + 1.10

Primary Attribute Bonuses
Strength + 0.97 Dexterity + 0.97

Level 98 / Slot: Legs / Type: Light armor

151 C


14 4 Tentacle Monster dropped [Fair Mithril Plate Cuirass of the Fire-eater]
0 1 Initializing Item World (Round 88 / 90) ...

Fair Mithril Plate Cuirass of the Fire-eater

Physical Absorption + 4.21
Physical Mitigation + 3.26 %
Magical Absorption + 4.50
Magical Mitigation + 2.15 %

Burden + 24.98
Interference + 29.81

Damage Type Mitigations
Crushing + 2.40 Slashing + 5.01
Piercing + 3.61 Fire + 14.71

Primary Attribute Bonuses
Strength + 2.00 Endurance + 2.00

Level 101 / Slot: Body / Type: Heavy armor

392 C
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post Jan 15 2010, 02:40
Post #3549

Forever Alone
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Arena Clear Bonus! Received:
[Average Emerald Kite Shield of Dampening] <--- not bad 32% block change
Initializing arena challenge #8 (Round 6 / 6)


This post has been edited by bbgr: Jan 15 2010, 02:41
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post Jan 15 2010, 02:45
Post #3550
Alpha 7

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Update to The HentaiVerse Equipment Database in Post 1...

Exquisite - Ultra Rare
Magnificent - Beyond Rare - Best known grade

Ethereal - A special sub-Grade that is Magic-friendly and has Zero Interference and Burden. Ultra Rare

Destruction - Magic Damage Multiplier bonus


I am assuming that the top grades can still drop, if you get luckier than ever before, and Destruction was verified above.

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post Jan 15 2010, 04:43
Post #3551
Sayo Aisaka

I have no Item Sluts :(
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There's also the Legendary grade that Tenboro hinted at once or twice. I guess it's a moot point as to whether or not it really exists, though.

If you're serious about maintaining that post as a database of useful information, you might also want to update the Staffs section to say which set of bonuses you get from each type of wood... and I'm not sure I agree with your opinion as to what's "rare" and what goes straight to the shop when you get it.
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post Jan 15 2010, 05:11
Post #3552

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(IMG:[i671.photobucket.com] http://i671.photobucket.com/albums/vv80/sayber_album/fyguhgh.jpg)
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post Jan 15 2010, 05:12
Post #3553

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(IMG:[i671.photobucket.com] http://i671.photobucket.com/albums/vv80/sayber_album/8y8uhjkljn.jpg)

First Sword Chucks

but fair・・・・ (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/sad.gif)
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post Jan 15 2010, 05:14
Post #3554

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(IMG:[i671.photobucket.com] http://i671.photobucket.com/albums/vv80/sayber_album/rdfghgetrf.jpg)
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post Jan 15 2010, 07:37
Post #3555
Black Dynamite

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Item World 11/26
25 4 Mantitcore dropped [Fine Titanium Shortsword]

Item World 69/171
16 7 Mantitcore dropped [Fair Titanium Plate Greaves of Warding]

Item World 23/171
25 4 Tentacle Monster dropped [Average Titanium Estoc of Balance]

Item World 95/171
28 4 Fire Fox dropped [Average Cotton Shoes of the Fire-eater]

Item World 10/77
11 5 Blue Slime dropped [Crude Dragon Hide Leggings of Dampening]

Item World 49/77
26 5 Tentacle Monster dropped [Average Leather Gauntlets of Protection]
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post Jan 15 2010, 14:16
Post #3556

An Amateur Translator... #plak
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Arena Clear Bonus! Received:
[Fine Platinum Kite Shield of the Barrier]
A New Beginning-Normal
Fine Platinum Kite Shield of the Barrier

Physical Absorption + 1.37
Physical Mitigation + 0.61 %
Magical Absorption + 1.33
Magical Mitigation + 0.82 %
Block Chance + 17.44 %
Burden + 8.18
Interference + 11.57
Primary Attribute Bonuses
Strength + 1.60 Dexterity + 1.37
Endurance + 0.68

Level 66 / Slot: Offhand / Type: Shield
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post Jan 15 2010, 18:14
Post #3557

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Arena Clear Bonus! Received: [Crude Leather Leggings of Warding]
Learning Curves - Nightmare

Arena Clear Bonus! Received: [Fine Titanium Rapier of Balance]
Schooltastic - Nightmare
Not a bad rapier, going straight to my shop that is.

Arena Clear Bonus! Received: [Crude Titanium Chainmail Hauberk of Warding]
Test of Faith - Normal

Arena Clear Bonus! Received: [Average Cotton Gloves of Warding]
Road Less Traveled - Normal

This post has been edited by boxospam: Jan 15 2010, 18:42
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post Jan 15 2010, 23:52
Post #3558

Bounty Hunter Helper.
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Mutant Peacock dropped [Fair Steel Club] (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/happy.gif)
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post Jan 16 2010, 01:51
Post #3559
Alpha 7

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QUOTE(Sayo Aisaka @ Jan 14 2010, 21:43) *

There's also the Legendary grade that Tenboro hinted at once or twice. I guess it's a moot point as to whether or not it really exists, though.

If you're serious about maintaining that post as a database of useful information, you might also want to update the Staffs section to say which set of bonuses you get from each type of wood... and I'm not sure I agree with your opinion as to what's "rare" and what goes straight to the shop when you get it.

Rare is the ease (or lack thereof) of getting it, and not the usefulness of it. If I get a drop of Exquisite Mithril Sword Chucks, I'll probably sell it instantly, even with the double high rarity of it.

Basically, Rare = hard to get. At times, Rare ≠ Great.
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post Jan 16 2010, 02:36
Post #3560
Sayo Aisaka

I have no Item Sluts :(
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I was actually disagreeing on two separate points. Allow me to clarify.

1. You say Oak is "rare". 42.86% of the Staffs currently in my possession are Oak, which would tend to imply this is not the case.

2. You have Katalox as the "best known grade", and suggest that any other type is only good for selling off. Might I remind you that Rare ≠ Great? (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/tongue.gif) The few Katalox staffs whose details have been posted don't appear to be anything special - they just give a different combination of bonuses from the other woods. I certainly wouldn't exchange my Fine Ebony Staff of the Elementalist for any of them.
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