Average Ruby Scythe Nice bleed chance, though not great turn length for a 2hander. Nice crit chance though. I'm so confused about the point of Scythes vs. Katanas.
Average Ruby Scythe
Weapon Damage Type Slashing
Hit Proc: 25% chance for Bleeding Wound
Duration: 4 turns / Damage: 278 per tick
Attack Damage Multiplier 31.1
Attack Accuracy Bonus 7.0
Attack Critical Bonus 4.3
Burden 26.8
Interference 17.0
Primary Attribute Bonuses
Strength 1.1 Dexterity 0.5
Level 173 / Slot: 2handed / Type: Two-handed weapon
Fair Ruby Scythe of Balance
Weapon Damage Type Slashing
Hit Proc: 17% chance for Bleeding Wound
Duration: 4 turns / Damage: 148 per tick
Attack Damage Multiplier 23.9
Attack Accuracy Bonus 7.8
Attack Critical Bonus 5.7
Burden 27.7
Interference 8.4
Primary Attribute Bonuses
Strength 5.8 Dexterity 3.2
Level 165 / Slot: 2handed / Type: Two-handed weapon
Fair Ruby Katana
Weapon Damage Type Slashing
Hit Proc: 15% chance for Bleeding Wound
Duration: 4 turns / Damage: 235 per tick
Attack Damage Multiplier 33.3
Attack Accuracy Bonus 15.6
Attack Critical Bonus 3.7
Burden 24.1
Interference 16.9
Primary Attribute Bonuses
Strength 2.6 Dexterity 1.0
Agility 2.6
Level 164 / Slot: Katana / Type: Two-handed weapon
Average Ruby Katana of Slaughter
Weapon Damage Type Slashing
Hit Proc: 23% chance for Bleeding Wound
Duration: 3 turns / Damage: 205 per tick
Attack Damage Multiplier 44.4
Attack Accuracy Bonus 15.6
Attack Critical Bonus 4.3
Burden 28.9
Interference 12.1
Primary Attribute Bonuses
Strength 3.7 Dexterity 3.7
Agility 1.0
Level 164 / Slot: Katana / Type: Two-handed weapon
Average Ruby Katana of the Ox
Weapon Damage Type Slashing
Hit Proc: 17% chance for Bleeding Wound
Duration: 4 turns / Damage: 182 per tick
Attack Damage Multiplier 28.4
Attack Accuracy Bonus 19.1
Attack Critical Bonus 4.1
Burden 19.4
Interference 15.8
Primary Attribute Bonuses
Strength 7.6 Dexterity 2.2
Agility 1.6
Level 170 / Slot: Katana / Type: Two-handed weapon
Katanas seem to have a more primary bonuses, more attack bonus, accuracy bonus, etc.
Scythes have a bit more bleed going for them, and maybe higher crit chance, but that appears to be it. Maybe I just haven't found good enough versions of either to really tell.
Oh wow, I found a mace too. Can't remember the last time that happened.
Fine Ruby Mace of Balance - I'm gonna test that out. Could have a bit higher proc chance, but it has a great accuracy for a 2hander, 9.3 crit bonus, and 3 turn stun. God, that 3 turn limit is really fucking terrible :'(
This post has been edited by DemonEyesBob: Nov 27 2009, 05:25