04 19 You gain 1903 Credits!
204 18 You gain 5937468 EXP!
204 17 Arena Clear Bonus! [
magnificent ethereal longsword of slaughter]
204 16 White Bunneh dropped [Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch]
204 15 Manbearpig dropped [ManBearPig Tail]
204 14 Francesca Lucchini 501st dropped [Godly Mana Potion]
204 13 Mikuru Asahina dropped [Bunny-Girl Costume]
204 12 Sugar Winter dropped [Godly Mana Potion]
204 11 Need0255 dropped [Scroll of Shadows]
204 10 Dalek dropped [Dalek Voicebox]
204 9 Yuki Nagato dropped [Broken Glasses]
204 8 Mithra dropped [Mithra's Flower]
204 7 You are Victorious!