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> The Equipment Thread, Whining about the equipment you got

post May 7 2013, 09:45
Post #28261

Currently exhausted
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Legendary Mithril Plate Cuirass of Protection
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post May 7 2013, 11:30
Post #28262
Hito Shura

The King of Chaos
Group: Gold Star Club
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Ragingheart Exelion dropped [Magnificent Hallowed Katana of Slaughter]
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post May 7 2013, 15:04
Post #28263
Apocalypse Horsemen

Can't Save the World⁇ Then Prepare for its END‼ ☠
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12 13 You gain 302 Credits!
12 12 You gain 2698606 EXP!
12 11 Rag Ul dropped [Godly Mana Potion]
12 10 Corpses dropped [Godly Mana Potion]
12 9 Sandalphon dropped [Superior Phase Shoes of Surtr]
12 8 Pray Meyer dropped [Godly Mana Potion]
12 7 Perrine H Clostermann 501st dropped [Fine Cotton Gloves of the Thrice-blessed]
12 6 You are Victorious!

(IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/mellow.gif)
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post May 7 2013, 15:36
Post #28264

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Level 351 (Godslayer)

[Superior Katana of the Battlecaster]
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post May 7 2013, 16:11
Post #28265

Group: Catgirl Camarilla
Posts: 5,600
Joined: 23-March 12
Level 500 (Godslayer)

574 9 Arena Token Bonus! [Token of Blood]
574 8 Arena Clear Bonus! [Fine Kevlar Breastplate of Protection] (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/cry.gif)
574 7 Flying Spaghetti Monster dropped [Noodly Appendage]
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post May 7 2013, 16:40
Post #28266

Group: Catgirl Camarilla
Posts: 2,814
Joined: 22-December 09
Level 500 (Godslayer)

46 12 You gain 212 Credits!
46 11 You gain 4163649 EXP!
46 10 Naruko Anjou dropped [Godly Mana Potion]
46 9 Crosis dropped [Godly Health Potion]
46 8 Aasta dropped [Exquisite Dagger of the Nimble]
46 7 Ouzai Berserker Mode dropped [3x Crystal of Devotion]
46 6 President Hime M Granzchesta dropped [3x Crystal of Knowledge]
46 5 Sherlock Sheryl Shellingford dropped [Godly Health Potion]
46 4 You are Victorious!
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post May 7 2013, 18:17
Post #28267

Golden Darkness
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Level 224 (Godslayer)

30 14 You gain 324 Credits!
30 13 You gain 1648245 EXP!
30 12 Deadly Moth dropped [3x Crystal of Devotion]
30 11 Asuna Yuki dropped [Fine Dagger of Balance]
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post May 7 2013, 19:39
Post #28268

Elite Poster
Group: Catgirl Camarilla
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http://hentaiverse.org/pages/showequip.php...;key=1d0cd1cfbc (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/huh.gif)
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post May 7 2013, 21:05
Post #28269

Group: Catgirl Camarilla
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Level 500 (Godslayer)

57 12 Arena Clear Bonus! [Exquisite Kevlar Gauntlets of Protection]
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post May 7 2013, 23:26
Post #28270

Lolicon / Shotacon
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Magnificent Redwood Staff of the Elementalist

random mag
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post May 7 2013, 23:27
Post #28271

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Exq. Power Helm of Protection

From Noodle.
At least its an Exq. But doesn't excuse the fact that it SUCKS.
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post May 8 2013, 00:09
Post #28272
Jeanne d'Arc

Group: Catgirl Camarilla
Posts: 15,254
Joined: 12-August 11
Level 471 (Godslayer)

Magnificent Longsword of Balance 345
Equipment salvaging results:
Salvaged High-Grade Metals

Exquisite Longsword of Slaughter 332
Equipment salvaging results:
Salvaged High-Grade Metals
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post May 8 2013, 01:09
Post #28273

My lid is stuck.
Group: Gold Star Club
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Magnificent Fiery Longsword of the Illithid 1918+(Your Level)%

From a noodle.
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post May 8 2013, 01:11
Post #28274

((´☻ω☻`) $◞౪◟$ (´☻ω☻`))
Group: Gold Star Club
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Level 496 (Godslayer)

Memphis Linesword dropped [Magnificent Leather Helmet of the Thunder-child]

random mag (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/sad.gif)

This post has been edited by ahenayau: May 8 2013, 02:31
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post May 8 2013, 01:14
Post #28275

Clover Sprite
Group: Gold Star Club
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Level 500 (Ponyslayer)

21 15 You gain 362 Credits!
21 14 You gain 5046176 EXP!
21 13 Martina Crespi 504th dropped [3x Crystal of Flames]
21 12 Francesca Lucchini 501st dropped [Average Cotton Cap of Warding]
21 11 Riful dropped [3x Crystal of Lightning]
21 10 Mechzilla dropped [Godly Mana Potion]
21 9 Nagareboshi Gin dropped [Godly Mana Potion]
21 8 Kurotake Rui dropped [3x Crystal of Quintessence]
21 7 You are Victorious!
21 6 The effect Cloak of the Fallen has expired.
21 5 Kosuke Ueki has been defeated.
21 4 Ragnarok hits Kosuke Ueki for 12871 dark damage.
21 3 Kurotake Rui has been defeated.
21 2 Ragnarok blasts Kurotake Rui for 23239 dark damage.
21 1 You cast Ragnarok.
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post May 8 2013, 02:07
Post #28276

Active Poster
Group: Gold Star Club
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Level 500 (Godslayer)

Arena Clear Bonus! [Legendary Mithril Buckler of Protection] (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)
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post May 8 2013, 02:31
Post #28277

((´☻ω☻`) $◞౪◟$ (´☻ω☻`))
Group: Gold Star Club
Posts: 13,753
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Level 496 (Godslayer)

270 10 You gain 1300 Credits!
270 9 You gain 1750645 EXP!
270 8 Arena Token Bonus! [Chaos Token]
270 7 Arena Clear Bonus! [Magnificent Willow Staff of the Curse-weaver]
270 6 Flying Spaghetti Monster dropped [Noodly Appendage]
270 5 You are Victorious!

another random mag (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/sad.gif)

This post has been edited by ahenayau: May 8 2013, 02:32
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post May 8 2013, 03:44
Post #28278
Apocalypse Horsemen

Can't Save the World⁇ Then Prepare for its END‼ ☠
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QUOTE(ahenayau @ May 8 2013, 08:31) *

another random mag (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/sad.gif)

So far, I've only gotten Superiors (as the highest quality) after training up 2 levels of LotD to 15/25.
I just have to be VERY patient for the next Exq / Mag / Leg to drop.
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post May 8 2013, 03:47
Post #28279

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Level 351 (Godslayer)

[Average Shortsword of Balance]
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post May 8 2013, 03:58
Post #28280

I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For
Group: Catgirl Camarilla
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Level 500 (Godslayer)

26 10 You gain 181 Credits!
26 9 You gain 1458405 EXP!
26 8 Arena Clear Bonus! [Godly Health Potion]
26 7 Nagareboshi Gin dropped [Exquisite Gossamer Cap of the Curse-weaver]
26 6 Xeus dropped [Godly Mana Potion]
26 5 You are Victorious!
26 4 Regen II restores 1797 points of health.
26 3 Xeus has been defeated.
26 2 Void Strike hits Xeus for 1213 void damage.
26 1 Arcane Blow hits Xeus for 3384 void damage.
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