138 20 You gain 1799 Credits!
138 19 You gain 4325067 EXP!
138 18 Arena Token Bonus! [Chaos Token]
138 17 Arena Clear Bonus! [Superior Amber Plate Greaves of Warding]
138 16 Lady Vashj dropped [Godly Health Potion]
138 15 Manbearpig dropped [ManBearPig Tail]
138 14 Yuki Nagato dropped [Broken Glasses]
138 13 Asuna Yuki dropped [BFG9000]
138 12 Dokuro Tan dropped [Godly Health Potion]
138 11 Konata dropped [Lock of Blue Hair]
138 10 Dalek dropped [Dalek Voicebox]
138 9 White Bunneh dropped [Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch]
138 8 You are Victorious!
IWBTH twilight , WTF again (IMG:[