QUOTE(kakashi524 @ Apr 26 2013, 23:44)

75 13
You gain 210 Credits.75 12
You gain 4,760,916 EXP.75 11 Bottle Fairy dropped
[Godly Mana Potion]75 10 Akroma dropped
[Godly Mana Potion]75 9 Unoeyed dropped
[3x Crystal of Flames]75 8 Aasta dropped
[Godly Health Potion]75 7 Kazane Hiyori dropped
[Legendary Amber Kevlar Breastplate of Protection]75 6
You are Victorious!75 5
Regen II restores 1638 points of health.75 4 Bottle Fairy has been defeated.
75 3
You crit Bottle Fairy for 14890 void damage.75 2 Sanya V Litvyak 501st has been defeated.
75 1
You crit Sanya V Litvyak 501st for 20711 void damage.from RE , right (IMG:[
i never get legendary from RE (IMG:[
56 14 You gain 1514 Credits!
56 13 You gain 1375865 EXP!
56 12 Arena Clear Bonus! [Scroll of Protection]
56 11 Fibre87a dropped [Fine Cotton Gloves of the Thunder-child]
56 10 Skwisgaar Skwigelf dropped [Godly Health Potion]
56 9 Elf Archer dropped [Godly Mana Potion]
56 8 Damage Expert Yamada dropped [Godly Mana Potion]
56 7 Dalek dropped [Dalek Voicebox]
56 6 Manbearpig dropped [ManBearPig Tail]
56 5 Mikado Shiina dropped [3x Crystal of Fortitude]
56 4 You are Victorious!
WTF , IWBTH clear is scroll (IMG:[