45 16 You gain 196 Credits!
45 15 You gain 1654841 EXP!
45 14 Pupette dropped [Superior Leather Gauntlets of Warding]
45 13 Serafuimu dropped [3x Crystal of Fortitude]
45 12 Ogiso Setsuna dropped [Average Plate Cuirass of Protection]
45 11 Ouzai Thief dropped [
Magnificent Plate Greaves of Dampening]
45 10 Rain Lindwurm dropped [Superior Leather Helmet of Warding]
45 9 You are Victorious!
45 8 Regeneration restores 544 points of health.
45 7 Regen II restores 1030 points of health.
45 6 Kodou Yuki drops a Mystic Gem powerup!
45 5 Kodou Yuki has been defeated.
What the f? Only 6 monsters spawned. Looks like training LotD paid off. On a second note.
Another random mag. Well, my 2nd random mag.