50 18 You gain 1563 Credits!
50 17 You gain 1639632 EXP!
50 16 Arena Clear Bonus! [Exquisite Wakizashi of the Nimble]
50 15 Ogiso Setsuna dropped [3x Crystal of Quintessence]
50 14 Ouzai Ogre dropped [3x Crystal of Swiftness]
50 13 Manbearpig dropped [ManBearPig Tail]
50 12 Chibi Ryu dropped [Godly Mana Potion]
50 11 Suzuki Sora dropped [3x Crystal of Quintessence]
50 10 Unoeyed dropped [Superior Plate Gauntlets of Protection]
50 9 Rarafew dropped [3x Crystal of Flames]
50 8 White Bunneh dropped [Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch]
50 7 Morte dropped [3x Crystal of Knowledge]
50 6 You are Victorious!
1st exquisite today (IMG:[