250 23 You gain 1248 Credits!
250 22 You gain 1766429 EXP!
250 21 Arena Token Bonus! [Token of Blood]
250 20 Arena Clear Bonus! [Fine Leather Breastplate of the Thrice-blessed]
250 19 Flying Spaghetti Monster dropped [Noodly Appendage]
250 18 You are Victorious!
250 17 The effect Chain 2 has expired.
250 16 Regen II restores 302 points of health.
250 15 Flying Spaghetti Monster drops a Health Gem powerup!
250 14 Flying Spaghetti Monster has been defeated.
250 13 Frenzied Blows hits Flying Spaghetti Monster for 99235 void damage.
250 12 Frenzied Blows hits Flying Spaghetti Monster for 120807 void damage.
250 11 Frenzied Blows hits Flying Spaghetti Monster for 119729 void damage.
250 10 Frenzied Blows hits Flying Spaghetti Monster for 122965 void damage.
250 9 Frenzied Blows hits Flying Spaghetti Monster for 98156 void damage.
250 8 Frenzied Blows hits Flying Spaghetti Monster for 101392 void damage.
250 7 Frenzied Blows hits Flying Spaghetti Monster for 105706 void damage.
250 6 Frenzied Blows hits Flying Spaghetti Monster for 112178 void damage.
250 5 Frenzied Blows hits Flying Spaghetti Monster for 113257 void damage.
250 4 Frenzied Blows hits Flying Spaghetti Monster for 124043 void damage.
250 3 Frenzied Blows hits Flying Spaghetti Monster for 92763 void damage.
250 2 Frenzied Blows hits Flying Spaghetti Monster for 106785 void damage.
250 1 You use Frenzied Blows.
Noodle: Superior Cobalt Plate Cuirass of Stoneskin
Oh well (IMG:[
style_emoticons/default/sad.gif) , better luck on FSM tomorrow maybe...