It is the dawn of a new day! Reflecting on your journey so far, you find that you are a little wiser. You gain 390,454,667 EXP! You gain 10,000 Credits and 1 Hath
29 21 You gain 339 Credits! 29 20 You gain 3320582 EXP! 29 19 Kurotake Rui dropped [3x Crystal of Knowledge] 29 18 Nikaidou Sakina dropped [3x Crystal of Fortitude] 29 17 Ouzai Business Man dropped [Godly Health Potion] 29 16 Fgr34144 dropped [Godly Spirit Potion] 29 15 Rise And Shine dropped [3x Crystal of Quintessence] 29 14 Nobunaka dropped [Average Gossamer Cap of the Demon-fiend] 29 13 Haruko Haruhara dropped [Godly Health Potion] 29 12 You are Victorious!
49 12 You gain 310 Credits! 49 11 You gain 35494180 EXP! 49 10 Aoi Phoenix dropped [Godly Mana Potion] 49 9 Lady Vashj dropped [6x Crystal of Cunning] 49 8 Nekrum dropped [Average Leather Boots of the Fire-eater] 49 7 Kazane Hiyori dropped [Godly Mana Potion] 49 6 Baloth dropped [6x Crystal of Quintessence] 49 5 Deadly Moth dropped [6x Crystal of Vigor] 49 4 Akuma Shogun dropped [Average Cotton Cap of the Thrice-blessed] 49 3 You are Victorious! 49 2 Deadly Moth has been defeated. 49 1 Arcane Blow hits Deadly Moth for 2380 void damage.
23 10 You gain 211 Credits! 23 9 You gain 1763665 EXP! 23 8 Shijyou Mizuki dropped [Godly Health Potion] 23 7 Ragingheart Exelion dropped [3x Crystal of Finesse] 23 6 The One Eyed Dude dropped [Godly Mana Potion] 23 5 Schroedingers Cat dropped [Fine Plate Helmet of Protection] 23 4 You are Victorious!