17 12 You gain 241 Credits! 17 11 You gain 3590954 EXP! 17 10 Kinnikuman dropped [Godly Health Potion] 17 9 Asuna Berserk Healer dropped [Godly Mana Potion] 17 8 Baloth dropped [3x Crystal of Cunning] 17 7 Aasta dropped [Godly Health Potion] 17 6 Diablo I dropped [Godly Mana Potion] 17 5 Ouzai Buster dropped [3x Crystal of Flames] 17 4 You are Victorious!
40 10 You gain 152 Credits! 40 9 You gain 1777200 EXP! 40 8 Noihara Himari dropped [Average Rapier of the Illithid] (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/cry.gif) 40 7 Reasanka dropped [3x Crystal of Swiftness] 40 6 Rain Lindwurm dropped [Fair Kite Shield of the Barrier] (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/cry.gif) 40 5 Reptile Dysfunction dropped [Godly Health Potion] 40 4 You are Victorious!
IWBTH Eve of Death. Double exquisite drop. Hopefully I'll get a HG out of one of them... Got a mid-grade for the leather and a high-grade wood for the kite shield. More confirmation that my policy of salvaging exquisite+ tier 2 above exp /325 is a good one.
This post has been edited by T_Starrk: Apr 11 2013, 16:14