Kira Yagami dropped [Superior Plate Cuirass of Protection]
Unoeyed dropped [Superior Redwood Staff of Surtr]
Arena Clear Bonus! [Fine Shade Gauntlets of Negation]
Veranus dropped [Superior Dagger of the Battlecaster]
Sushilicious dropped [Superior Buckler of the Barrier]
Thunderaan dropped [Fine Plate Sabatons of Protection]
Warp dropped [Fine Gossamer Cap of the Curse-weaver]
Shijyou Mizuki dropped [Fair Shade Helmet of the Shadowdancer]
President Aria Pokoteng dropped [Average Kevlar Breastplate of Stoneskin]
Time Dotabattan dropped [Fine Leather Breastplate of the Fire-eater]
Arena Clear Bonus! [Fine Shade Gauntlets of Negation]
Cerenium dropped [Average Axe of Slaughter]
Rise And Shine dropped [Fine Plate Gauntlets of Warding]
I'm sure there was more but just about everything that dropped today was sold.