230 21 You gain 1240 Credits!
230 20 You gain 1866601 EXP!
230 19 Arena Token Bonus! [Token of Blood]
230 18 Arena Clear Bonus! [Superior Power Helmet of Protection]
230 17 Flying Spaghetti Monster dropped [Noodly Appendage]
230 16 You are Victorious!
230 15 The effect Chain 2 has expired.
230 14 Flying Spaghetti Monster has been defeated.
230 13 Frenzied Blows hits Flying Spaghetti Monster for 121321 void damage.
230 12 Frenzied Blows hits Flying Spaghetti Monster for 97490 void damage.
230 11 Frenzied Blows hits Flying Spaghetti Monster for 116988 void damage.
230 10 Frenzied Blows hits Flying Spaghetti Monster for 100739 void damage.
230 9 Frenzied Blows hits Flying Spaghetti Monster for 98573 void damage.
230 8 Frenzied Blows hits Flying Spaghetti Monster for 114821 void damage.
230 7 Frenzied Blows hits Flying Spaghetti Monster for 98573 void damage.
230 6 Frenzied Blows hits Flying Spaghetti Monster for 89907 void damage.
230 5 Frenzied Blows hits Flying Spaghetti Monster for 126737 void damage.
230 4 Frenzied Blows hits Flying Spaghetti Monster for 87741 void damage.
230 3 Frenzied Blows hits Flying Spaghetti Monster for 107239 void damage.
230 2 Frenzied Blows hits Flying Spaghetti Monster for 116988 void damage.
230 1 You use Frenzied Blows.
Meh, superior. But still, 230 turns (IMG:[
style_emoticons/default/smile.gif) . New record for current IWBTH FSM for me.
Noodle: Fine Plate Greaves of Protection - seriously?! I have such shit luck with noodles lately. All superiors and fines for the last few weeks (IMG:[
style_emoticons/default/cry.gif) .