146 18 You gain 2907 Credits!
146 17 You gain 1711354 EXP!
146 16 Arena Clear Bonus!
[Exquisite Ethereal Estoc of Balance] - Terrible damage roll for non-slaughter (IMG:[
style_emoticons/default/sad.gif) . Strength and proc aren't very good either. Shitty estoc.
146 15 Verdandi dropped [Godly Health Potion]
146 14 Yggdrasil dropped [Sapling]
146 13 Skuld dropped [Superior Leather Leggings of the Thunder-child]
146 12 Urd dropped [Godly Health Potion]
146 11 You are Victorious!
146 10 Verdandi has been defeated.
146 9 Void Strike crits Verdandi for 5125 void damage.
146 8 Elec Strike crits Verdandi for 1507 elec damage.
146 7 Cold Strike crits Verdandi for 1219 cold damage.
146 6 Verdandi gains the effect Penetrated Armor.
146 5 Your offhand crits Verdandi for 16733 void damage.
146 4 Void Strike crits Verdandi for 9648 void damage.
146 3 Cold Strike crits Verdandi for 2613 cold damage.
146 2 Dark Strike crits Verdandi for 2261 dark damage.
146 1 You crit Verdandi for 27738 void damage.
Sapling: Superior Plate Greaves of Warding