19 14 You gain 204 Credits!
19 13 You gain 3198797 EXP!
19 12 Airi Sena dropped
[Fine Gossamer Robe of the Elementalist]19 11 Ouzai Paradox dropped [Godly Health Potion]
19 10 Magic The Gandhi dropped [Godly Spirit Potion]
19 9 Dim Sum dropped [Godly Health Potion]
19 8 Sakurai Kei dropped [Godly Mana Potion]
19 7 Ouzai Firebat dropped
[Exquisite Longsword of the Battlecaster]19 6 You are Victorious!
19 5 You gain 0.02 points of supportive magic proficiency.
19 4 Sakurai Kei has been defeated.
19 3 Ragnarok hits Sakurai Kei for 79144 dark damage.
19 2 You cast Ragnarok.
19 1 You gain 0.01 points of forbidden magic proficiency.
Exquisite Longsword (IMG:[