58 11 You gain 265 Credits!
58 10 You gain 19221574 EXP!
58 9 Reasanka dropped
[Fine Plate Gauntlets of the Thunder-child]58 8 Naruko Anjou dropped [Godly Health Potion]
58 7 Baloth dropped [3x Crystal of Flames]
58 6 Liselotte Werckmeister dropped [
Exquisite Katalox Staff of the Demon-fiend]
58 5 Ouzai King dropped [Godly Mana Potion]
58 4 Kuroko Shirai dropped [Godly Health Potion]
58 3 You are Victorious!
58 2 Liselotte Werckmeister has been defeated.
58 1 Arcane Blow hits Liselotte Werckmeister for 1158 crushing damage.