I wonder what I have done wrong this time??? (IMG:[
I'm stating my opinion about the arena flooding from the riddlemaster which seems to displease.
Here are my drop from today's arenas on IWBTH
[Superior Cotton Robe of the Thrice-blessed]
[Average Plate Gauntlets of the Thunder-child]
[Average Cotton Robe of Protection]
[Fine Shield Gauntlets of Warding]
[Fine Axe of Slaughter]
[Exquisite Longsword of the Vampire]
[Fine Plate Sabatons of Deflection]
[Fine Kevlar Helmet of Stoneskin]
[Fine Leather Helmet of the Thrice-blessed]
[Fine Leather Breastplate of the Thrice-blessed]
[Fine Cotton Robe of Protection]
[Superior Willow Staff of Destruction]
[Superior Kevlar Boots of Protection]
[Fine Cotton Pants of the Thrice-blessed]
[Fine Shield Gauntlets of Protection]
[Average Kevlar Helmet of Dampening]
[Fine Gossamer Cap of the Earth-walker]
[Fine Cotton Pants of the Frost-born]
[Fine Gossamer Pants of the Curse-weaver]
[Fine Kevlar Breastplate of Protection]
[Fine Gossamer Robe of the Curse-weaver]
[Fine Cotton Cap of Protection]
[Fine Dagger of the Nimble]
[Fine Leather Breastplate of the Wind-waker]
[Fine Plate Cuirass of Protection]
[Fine Plate Cuirass of the Thunder-child]
[Superior Axe of Slaughter]
[Superior Kevlar Boots of Deflection]
[Fine Gossamer Pants of the Demon-fiend]
[Superior Kevlar Breastplate of Protection]
[Superior Leather Gauntlets of the Fire-eater]
[Superior Plate Gauntlets of Warding]
[Fine Gossamer Robe of the Earth-walker]
[Fine Plate Gauntlets of Protection]
[Superior Kite Shield of Protection]
[Fine Plate Gauntlets of the Thunder-child]
[Fine Willow Staff of Destruction]
[Superior Plate Cuirass of the Fire-eater]
[Superior Phase Gloves of Niflheim]
[Superior Phase Robe of Surtr]
[Fine Kevlar Leggings of Deflection]
[Fine Kevlar Gauntlets of Protection]
[Average Cotton Pants of Warding]
[Fine Leather Helmet of the Thunder-child]
[Fine Kevlar Breastplate of Stoneskin]
[Exquisite Longsword of Slaughter]
[Fine Leather Gauntlets of the Thunder-child]
[Exquisite Cotton Cap of Warding]
[Fine Leather Boots of the Fire-eater]
[Fine Leather Gauntlets of the Spirit-ward]
[Average Shield Greaves of Protection]
[Superior Shield Helmet of Deflection]
[Superior Axe of Slaughter]
[Fine Dagger of Slaughter]
[Superior Dagger of the Nimble]
[Fine Mace of the Illithid]
[Fair Gossamer Cap of the Demon-fiend]
[Superior Plate Greaves of Dampening]
[Superior Kevlar Helmet of Protection]
[Fine Cotton Gloves of the Fire-eater]
[Superior Kevlar Gauntlets of Deflection]
[Superior Club of Slaughter]
[Fine Shade Boots of the Fleet]
[Average Shade Boots of Negation]
[Average Leather Gauntlets of Warding]
[Superior Shield Helmet of Warding]
[Fine Shield Gauntlets of the Barrier]
[Superior Plate Greaves of the Thunder-child]
[Average Leather Breastplate of the Spirit-ward]
[Fine Rapier of the Illithid]
[Fair Leather Boots of the Thrice-blessed]
[Superior Kevlar Helmet of Dampening]
[Superior Rapier of Slaughter]
[Superior Willow Staff of the Curse-weaver]
[Fine Gossamer Shoes of the Demon-fiend]
[Average Kevlar Breastplate of Dampening]
[Superior Club of the Nimble]
[Superior Power Helmet of Balance]
[Superior Shortsword of the Vampire]
[Exquisite Plate Helmet of Warding]
[Superior Dagger of Slaughter]
[Average Kevlar Helmet of Deflection]
[Fine Longsword of the Vampire]
[Average Cotton Shoes of the Frost-born]
[Average Shade Boots of the Fleet]
[Superior Phase Pants of Freyr]