156 15 You gain 3311 Credits!
156 14 You gain 1817036 EXP!
156 13 Arena Clear Bonus! [Exquisite Cotton Shoes of Warding]
156 12 Yggdrasil dropped [Sapling]
156 11 Verdandi dropped [Godly Mana Potion]
156 10 Skuld dropped [3x Crystal of Knowledge]
156 9 You are Victorious!
156 8 Cooldown expired for Backstab
156 7 The effect Chain 2 has expired.
156 6 Verdandi has been defeated.
156 5 Frenzied Blows hits Verdandi for 84783 void damage.
156 4 Frenzied Blows hits Verdandi for 95492 void damage.
156 3 Frenzied Blows hits Verdandi for 86568 void damage.
156 2 Frenzied Blows hits Verdandi for 82998 void damage.
156 1 You use Frenzied Blows.
IWBTH Trio and the Tree, fucking cotton... (IMG:[
Sapling: Average Plate Greaves of Warding