18 14 You gain 288 Credits!
18 13 You gain 4925568 EXP!
18 12 Noihara Himari dropped
[Average Leather Boots of the Spirit-ward]18 11 Lisette Vertorre dropped [3x Crystal of Cunning]
18 10 Sushilicious dropped [Godly Health Potion]
18 9 Aoi Phoenix dropped [Godly Health Potion]
18 8 Momo Belia Deviluke dropped [Godly Health Potion]
18 7 Need0201 dropped
[Superior Gossamer Pants of the Curse-weaver]18 6 Pupette dropped
[Average Kevlar Boots of Protection]18 5 You are Victorious!
18 4 Noihara Himari has been defeated.
18 3 Ragnarok hits Noihara Himari for 47824 dark damage.
18 2 You cast Ragnarok.
18 1 You gain 0.03 points of forbidden magic proficiency.