7 19 You gain 220 Credits! 7 18 You gain 2434584 EXP! 7 17 Bunko dropped [3x Crystal of Devotion] 7 16 Warp dropped [3x Crystal of Tempest] 7 15 Suiseiseki dropped [3x Crystal of Corruption] 7 14 You are Victorious! 7 13 Aom has been defeated. 7 12 Ragnarok hits Aom for 32233 dark damage. 7 11 Bunko drops a Health Gem powerup! 7 10 Bunko has been defeated. 7 9 Ragnarok hits Bunko for 24629 dark damage. 7 8 Morgiana has been defeated. 7 7 Ragnarok blasts Morgiana for 36438 dark damage. 7 6 Warp has been defeated. 7 5 Ragnarok blasts Warp for 41202 dark damage. 7 4 I Fear Fire has been defeated. 7 3 Ragnarok hits I Fear Fire for 45355 dark damage. 7 2 You cast Ragnarok. 7 1 You gain 0.01 points of forbidden magic proficiency.
65 13 You gain 1198 Credits! 65 12 You gain 968207 EXP! 65 11 Arena Clear Bonus! [Fine Plate Sabatons of Protection] 65 10 Sushilicious dropped [Godly Mana Potion] 65 9 4everlost dropped [Average Phase Robe of Freyr] 65 8 Kanoe Yuuko dropped [3x Crystal of Finesse] 65 7 Riful dropped [Godly Mana Potion] 65 6 Skwisgaar Skwigelf dropped [Godly Health Potion] 65 5 Mikado Shiina dropped [Godly Health Potion] 65 4 You are Victorious! 65 3 Regen II restores 1118 points of health. 65 2 Sushilicious has been defeated. 65 1 You hit Sushilicious for 1786 void damage.
61 10 You gain 278 Credits! 61 9 You gain 1109920 EXP! 61 8 Lucia Of The Blue Star dropped [3x Crystal of Fortitude] 61 7 Kannabi No Mikoto dropped [Exquisite Katalox Staff of Fenrir] 61 6 Smaug dropped [Godly Mana Potion] 61 5 Ouzai Buster dropped [Godly Health Potion] 61 4 You are Victorious! 61 3 Regen II restores 656 points of health. 61 2 Kazane Hiyori has been defeated. 61 1 You crit Kazane Hiyori for 10414 void damage.