153 9 You gain 1248 Credits!
153 8 You gain 846380 EXP!
153 7 Arena Token Bonus! [Chaos Token]
153 6 Arena Clear Bonus! [Exquisite Plate Sabatons of the Thrice-blessed]
153 5 Flying Spaghetti Monster dropped [Noodly Appendage]
153 4 You are Victorious!
153 3 Flying Spaghetti Monster has been defeated.
153 2 Frenzied Blows hits Flying Spaghetti Monster for 43508 void damage.
153 1 You use Frenzied Blows.
Noodle: Exquisite Longsword of Balance (IMG:[
Hopefully I'll get some mgs out of these. (got 2 mgs (IMG:[
style_emoticons/default/smile.gif) ). On a more positive note, new record for IWBTH FSM! Beat it by 7 turns. The frenzied blows RNG was very kind to me (I could of finished 5-10 turns sooner too (IMG:[
style_emoticons/default/sad.gif) , I waited longer than I had to on the last set of skills for some reason. He was really low on life).
This post has been edited by T_Starrk: Dec 30 2012, 03:00