*sigh* just goes to show life is not fair. (IMG:[
so 3 hours later...
[Fine Leather Boots of the Thunder-child]
[Crude Leather Breastplate of the Thrice-blessed]
[Superior Willow Staff of the Curse-weaver]
[Fine Plate Gauntlets of the Thunder-child]
[Fair Cotton Shoes of the Thunder-child]
[Average Cotton Gloves of the Thunder-child]
[Average Cotton Shoes of the Fire-eater]
[Fine Shortsword of the Illithid]
[Exquisite Axe of the Banshee]
[Fine Plate Gauntlets of Stoneskin]
[Fine Shortsword of Slaughter]
[Average Plate Sabatons of the Wind-waker]
(Some people dream of a white Christmas, I'm just dreaming of a halfway decent drop)