88 12 You gain 3191 Credits!
88 11 You gain 819724 EXP!
88 10 Arena Clear Bonus!
[Exquisite Shield Cuirass of Warding]88 9 Verdandi dropped [Godly Health Potion]
88 8 Skuld dropped [Godly Mana Potion]
88 7 Urd dropped [Scroll of Shadows]
88 6 Yggdrasil dropped [Sapling]
88 5 You are Victorious!
88 4 Skuld has been defeated.
88 3 Elec Strike hits Skuld for 10243 elec damage.
88 2 Dark Strike hits Skuld for 1982 dark damage.
88 1 You hit Skuld for 20836 void damage.
Meh, warding. I'll have to bazaar this. The only shield armor that ever sells is protection and barrier.