96 14 You gain 3154 Credits!
96 13 You gain 816184 EXP!
96 12 Arena Clear Bonus! [Exquisite Plate Helmet of the Frost-born]
96 11 Yggdrasil dropped [Sapling]
96 10 Urd dropped [Godly Spirit Potion]
96 9 Verdandi dropped [Infusion of Divinity]
96 8 You are Victorious!
96 7 Skuld has been defeated.
96 6 Elec Strike crits Skuld for 3817 elec damage.
96 5 Soul Strike crits Skuld for 4870 soul damage.
96 4 Skuld gains the effect Penetrated Armor.
96 3 Your offhand crits Skuld for 12511 void damage.
96 2 Elec Strike crits Skuld for 9653 elec damage.
96 1 You crit Skuld for 29454 void damage.
Second day in a row I got an exquisite on my IWBTH Trio run. Unfortunately, it's another bullshit one (IMG:[
style_emoticons/default/sad.gif) .
Sapling: Fine Plate Gauntlets of Dampening - I've never gotten anything good from a sapling (IMG:[
style_emoticons/default/sad.gif) .