29 14 You gain 198 Credits! 29 13 You gain 1355108 EXP! 29 12 Sg550 Shigu dropped [3x Crystal of Finesse] 29 11 Nipple Robot dropped [Average Leather Helmet of the Wind-waker] 29 10 Zhongke Sanhuan dropped [3x Crystal of Tempest] 29 9 You are Victorious! 29 8 Regen II restores 365 points of health. 29 7 Sg550 Shigu has been defeated. 29 6 Spreading Poison hits Sg550 Shigu for 348 damage. 29 5 You evade the attack from Sg550 Shigu. 29 4 Sg550 Shigu gains the effect Bleeding Wound. 29 3 You crit Sg550 Shigu for 1764 slashing damage. 29 2 You drain 64.1 HP from Sg550 Shigu 29 1 You gain 0.03 points of one-handed weapon proficiency.
My 3rd Mag ever and the 2nd one dropped. Virtually max EDB, INT and WIS + AGI? IF this was Heimdall or Fenrir I would have came. (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/laugh.gif)
7 9 Arena Clear Bonus! [Superior Cotton Robe of the Thunder-child] 7 8 Magnus Von Grapple dropped [Superior Health Potion] 7 7 Cockatrice dropped [Lesser Health Potion] 7 6 Scary Ghost dropped [Health Elixir] 7 5 Long John Silver dropped [Average Dagger of Balance] 7 4 You are Victorious!
Finally one superior in a few days. There is no real value on the equipment though.
70 12 You gain 1090 Credits! 70 11 You gain 121446 EXP! 70 10 Your HP and MP have been fully restored! 70 9 Arena Token Bonus! [Token of Blood] 70 8 Arena Clear Bonus! [Superior Oak Staff of the Earth-walker] 70 7 Dalek dropped [Dalek Voicebox] 70 6 You are Victorious! 70 5 Dalek has been defeated. 70 4 Vital Strike hits Dalek for 32003 slashing damage. 70 3 Dalek gains the effect Bleeding Wound. 70 2 You gain the effect Chain 2. 70 1 You use Vital Strike.
Arena Clear Bonus! [Fine Ethereal Dagger of the Nimble] plz stop wasting my arena rewards on lame equips and just give me chaos tokens (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/sad.gif)
Ouzai Buster dropped [Exquisite Scythe of Slaughter] My first 1K damage weapon. Once again if it were elemental or Ethereal I would be inclined to try it out. Fuck it, I'll do it on my arenas tomorrow.
21 12 You gain 288 Credits! 21 11 You gain 1778004 EXP! 21 10 The Juggernaut dropped [Godly Mana Potion] 21 9 Funky Monkey dropped [Aether Shard] 21 8 Nyaruko The Crawling Chaos dropped [3x Crystal of Devotion] 21 7 Bioship dropped [Fine Mace of the Banshee] 21 6 The Sexy French Maid dropped [3x Crystal of Swiftness] 21 5 You are Victorious! 21 4 The effect Overwhelming Strikes has expired. 21 3 Goblin Engineer has been defeated. 21 2 You crit Goblin Engineer for 2350 slashing damage. 21 1 You drain 64.1 HP from Goblin Engineer