250 10 You gain 1323 Credits!
250 9 You gain 805600 EXP!
250 8 Arena Token Bonus! [Token of Blood]
250 7 Arena Clear Bonus!
[Exquisite Kevlar Breastplate of Protection]250 6 Flying Spaghetti Monster dropped [Noodly Appendage]
250 5 You are Victorious!
250 4 Flying Spaghetti Monster has been defeated.
250 3 Backstab hits Flying Spaghetti Monster for 265404 void damage.
250 2 You gain the effect Chain 2.
250 1 You use Backstab.
Well, at least I got something I can put in my shop. Still can't use the noodle, have to sell it (until I pay off my estoc (IMG:[
style_emoticons/default/sad.gif) ).