252 12 You gain 1255 Credits!
252 11 You gain 805245 EXP!
252 10 Arena Token Bonus! [Chaos Token]
252 9 Arena Clear Bonus!
[Exquisite Shade Gauntlets of Negation]252 8 Flying Spaghetti Monster dropped [Noodly Appendage]
252 7 You are Victorious!
252 6 Regen II restores 1047 points of health.
252 5 Flying Spaghetti Monster has been defeated.
252 4 Soul Strike crits Flying Spaghetti Monster for 1026 soul damage.
252 3 Flying Spaghetti Monster gains the effect Penetrated Armor.
252 2 Your offhand crits Flying Spaghetti Monster for 5379 void damage.
252 1 You crit Flying Spaghetti Monster for 14345 void damage.
Fucking Negation (IMG:[
style_emoticons/default/mad.gif) ... Can't use the noodle, have to trade it for hath (4 hath to whoever wants it).