112 11 You gain 3206 Credits!
112 10 You gain 795480 EXP!
112 9 Arena Clear Bonus!
[Exquisite Gossamer Pants of the Priestess]112 8 Verdandi dropped [3x Crystal of Knowledge]
112 7 Yggdrasil dropped [Sapling]
112 6 Urd dropped [Infusion of Frost]
112 5 You are Victorious!
112 4 The effect Hastened has expired.
112 3 Verdandi has been defeated.
112 2 Your offhand crits Verdandi for 9355 void damage.
112 1 You crit Verdandi for 28065 void damage.
IWBTH Trio and the Tree
Superior Estoc of SlaughterThe priestess panties are good enough for my shop. The estoc is salvage fodder...