6 19 You gain 1105 Credits!
6 18 You gain 27247 EXP!
6 17 Arena Clear Bonus!
[Magnificent Ethereal Club of the Vampire]6 16 Ouzai Thief dropped [Greater Mana Potion]
6 15 Mithra dropped [Mithra's Flower]
6 14 Manbearpig dropped [ManBearPig Tail]
6 13 Kagome dropped [Greater Mana Potion]
6 12 Nyaruko The Crawling Chaos dropped [Crystal of Finesse]
6 11 Konata dropped [Lock of Blue Hair]
6 10 Lovedestiny Live dropped [Crystal of Tempest]
6 9 The Q dropped
[Fine Ethereal Shortsword of Balance]6 8 Mikuru Asahina dropped [Bunny-Girl Costume]
6 7 You are Victorious!
6 6 Regen II restores 607 points of health.
6 5 Manbearpig has been defeated.
6 4 Pestilence blasts Manbearpig for 6335 dark damage.
6 3 Mikuru Asahina has been defeated.
6 2 Pestilence blasts Mikuru Asahina for 57760 dark damage.
6 1 You cast Pestilence.