118 13 You gain 3739 Credits!
118 12 You gain 829518 EXP!
118 11 Arena Token Bonus! [Chaos Token]
118 10 Arena Clear Bonus!
[Fine Cotton Robe of the Thrice-blessed]118 9 Yggdrasil dropped [Sapling]
118 8 Urd dropped [Godly Mana Potion]
118 7 Skuld dropped
[Average Cotton Shoes of Warding]118 6 Verdandi dropped [3x Crystal of Corruption]
118 5 You are Victorious!
118 4 Verdandi has been defeated.
118 3 Your offhand crits Verdandi for 10755 void damage.
118 2 Cold Strike crits Verdandi for 5088 cold damage.
118 1 You crit Verdandi for 22435 void damage.
IWBTH Trio and the Tree (IMG:[
Sapling: Fine Mace of Balance (IMG:[
not even worth the time to link them...