12 7 Corpses dropped [Superior Leather Helmet of Warding]
7 13 Need0214 dropped [Fine Cotton Cap of the Frost-born]
33 7 Leshy dropped [Fine Shield Cuirass of Warding]
66 10 Magic The Gandhi dropped [Fine Plate Greaves of the Frost-born]
33 5 Asuna Berserk Healer dropped [Fine Plate Gauntlets of Dampening]
61 6 Konata dropped [Superior Club of Slaughter]
49 7 Yuzuriha Inori dropped [Fine Cotton Shoes of the Frost-born]
71 10 Arena Clear Bonus! [Superior Plate Cuirass of the Thrice-blessed] DwD (IMG:[
74 6 Arena Clear Bonus! [Superior Axe of Slaughter] FSM
12 8 Ymhir dropped [Fine Kevlar Gauntlets of Protection]
12 7 E Junk dropped [Fine Cotton Pants of the Fire-eater]
12 5 Aasta dropped [Average Leather Leggings of the Fire-eater]
7 8 Eila Ilmatar Juutilainen dropped [Fine Kite Shield of Protection]
5 6 Dogar And Kazon dropped [Fine Ebony Staff of the Elementalist]
12 10 Asuna Berserk Healer dropped [Superior Shade Boots of Negation]
9 14 Doctor Gordon dropped [Fine Scythe of Balance]
9 12 The Itsy Bitsy Spider dropped [Fine Gossamer Robe of the Priestess]
9 7 Liselotte Werckmeister dropped [Superior Buckler of Warding]
6 8 Smaug dropped [Fine Astral Oak Staff of Heimdall]
3 6 Balrog dropped [Fine Dagger of the Nimble]
5 9 Seikyo Shimbun dropped [Superior Plate Sabatons of Warding]
6 8 Ranma Saotome dropped [Superior Redwood Staff of Focus]
9 15 Arena Clear Bonus! [Exquisite Hallowed Willow Staff of Destruction]
9 12 Honjou Kamatari dropped [Fine Plate Greaves of the Spirit-ward]
3 8 Lucia Of The Blue Star dropped [Superior Axe of Slaughter]
4 12 Evil dropped [Average Cotton Gloves of the Spirit-ward]
3 11 Hannyabaru dropped [Superior Scythe of the Illithid]
3 11 Richie dropped [Average Plate Sabatons of Protection]
8 8 Ichy dropped [Fine Leather Boots of the Fire-eater]
16 9 Arena Clear Bonus! [Superior Leather Leggings of Warding]
16 8 Alice Princess dropped [Fine Club of the Vampire]
16 7 Ouzai Warrior dropped [Superior Plate Cuirass of Dampening]
6 8 Kuroko Shirai dropped [Superior Shade Boots of Negation]
9 11 Undead Gladiator dropped [Superior Kevlar Boots of Protection]
7 6 Kieu Phong dropped [Average Leather Boots of the Wind-waker]
7 7 Eila Ilmatar Juutilainen 501st dropped [Superior Kevlar Gauntlets of Protection]
8 6 Noihara Himari dropped [Superior Kevlar Leggings of Protection]
5 9 The Sexy French Maid dropped [Fine Kevlar Gauntlets of Protection]
8 8 Pile Of Dragons dropped [Fine Cotton Robe of the Thunder-child]
5 6 Sarament dropped [Exquisite Power Leggings of Warding]
5 8 Skwisgaar Skwigelf dropped [Superior Ebony Staff of Surtr]
7 6 Gmork dropped [Superior Plate Gauntlets of Stoneskin]
4 21 Heran1234 dropped [Average Wakizashi of the Nimble]
8 6 Acqua Of The Back dropped [Magnificent Plate Gauntlets of Warding] (IMG:[
6 15 Rei Ayanami dropped [Average Cotton Shoes of Protection]
6 13 Wildwurger dropped [Average Plate Sabatons of Deflection]
6 12 Nyaruko The Crawling Chaos dropped [Fine Shortsword of Slaughter]
10 9 Eila Ilmatar Juutilainen 501st dropped [Superior Shade Breastplate of the Fleet]
11 6 Boa Marigorudo dropped [Fine Scythe of Balance]
12 9 Arena Clear Bonus! [Superior Buckler of Warding]
12 8 Magic The Gandhi dropped [Superior Leather Breastplate of the Wind-waker]
12 19 Toki Wartooth dropped [Fair Cotton Gloves of Warding]
15 8 Tifa Lockhart dropped [Fine Leather Boots of the Spirit-ward]
18 5 Elizabeth dropped [Fair Leather Helmet of the Frost-born]
17 4 Sakurai Kei dropped [Superior Club of Slaughter]
15 4 Omega Weapon dropped [Average Cotton Gloves of Protection]
10 4 Ouzai Berserker Mode dropped [Fine Kevlar Leggings of Protection]
16 4 Eila Ilmatar Juutilainen 501st dropped [Fine Phase Cap of Freyr]
44 7 Arena Clear Bonus! [Exquisite Leather Helmet of the Spirit-ward]
6 9 Ouzai Jackson dropped [Fine Shortsword of Slaughter]
15 6 Akroma dropped [Fair Kevlar Breastplate of Protection]
11 6 Ban Midou dropped [Fine Leather Gauntlets of Warding]
10 4 Need0213 dropped [Superior Leather Leggings of the Spirit-ward]
14 5 Penisland dropped [Fine Plate Gauntlets of the Thunder-child]
70 8 Arena Clear Bonus! [Fine Kevlar Boots of Stoneskin]
18 5 Alteisen dropped [Fine Ethereal Katana of Slaughter]
7 4 Naruko Anjou dropped [Average Cotton Pants of the Frost-born]
9 4 Kuroko Shirai dropped [Superior Plate Gauntlets of Deflection]
16 9 Arena Clear Bonus! [Exquisite Axe of the Banshee]
16 7 Ouzai Bear dropped [Fine Leather Gauntlets of the Fire-eater]
18 4 Eila Ilmatar Juutilainen 501st dropped [Superior Mace of Balance]
11 5 Barnaby Brooks Jr dropped [Average Plate Sabatons of the Wind-waker]
11 31 Arena Clear Bonus! [Superior Buckler of the Nimble]
11 24 Schwarz dropped [Superior Kevlar Helmet of Deflection]
15 4 Ouzai Berserker Mode dropped [Fine Leather Breastplate of the Wind-waker]
11 9 Bluebird dropped [Average Cotton Gloves of Warding]
14 6 Firstuser2000 dropped [Fine Club of Balance]
[ManBearPig Tail] > Crude Mace of Balance
[ManBearPig Tail] > Average Longsword of Balance
[ManBearPig Tail] > Average Longsword of the Banshee
[ManBearPig Tail] > Average Mace of Slaughter
[ManBearPig Tail] > Fair Mace of Slaughter
[Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch] > Crude Mace of Slaughter
[Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch] > Fine Longsword of Slaughter
[Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch] > Fair Estoc of the Banshee
[Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch] > Superior Longsword of Balance
[Mithra's Flower] > Fair Estoc of Balance
[Mithra's Flower] > Fine Estoc of Balance
[Dalek Voicebox] > Superior Estoc of Slaughter
[Dalek Voicebox] > Fair Longsword of Slaughter
[Dalek Voicebox] > Average Mace of Slaughter
[Dalek Voicebox] > Superior Estoc of Slaughter
[Dalek Voicebox] > Fine Longsword of Slaughter
[Lock of Blue Hair] > Superior Redwood Staff of Focus
[Lock of Blue Hair] > Superior Willow Staff of Focus
[Lock of Blue Hair] > Average Oak Staff of the Priestess
[Lock of Blue Hair] > Superior Redwood Staff of Focus
[Bunny-Girl Costume] > Average Oak Staff of the Earth-walker
[Bunny-Girl Costume] > Fine Ethereal Oak Staff of the Priestess
[Hinamatsuri Doll] > Superior Willow Staff of Destruction
[Hinamatsuri Doll] > Superior Oak Staff of the Priestess
[Hinamatsuri Doll] > Superior Redwood Staff of Focus
[Hinamatsuri Doll] > Fine Oak Staff of the Earth-walker
[Broken Glasses] > Fine Oak Staff of Heimdall
[Broken Glasses] > Fine Katalox Staff of Focus
[Broken Glasses] > Fine Willow Staff of Destruction
[Broken Glasses] > Fine Oak Staff of the Priestess
[Sapling] > Fine Oak Staff of Heimdall ...
[Noodly Appendage] > Superior Oak Staff of Heimdall ...