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> The Equipment Thread, Whining about the equipment you got

post Sep 21 2012, 12:57
Post #21401

Lolicon / Shotacon
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Exquisite Plate Cuirass of the Thrice-blessed

Fuck, I want protection and I keep getting all the bullshit suffixes (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/sad.gif) (and when I finally do get protection, watch, the physical mitigation will be gimped). Yes, I am very pessimistic.

QUOTE(Anomtai @ Sep 21 2012, 00:47) *

921C Exquisite Plate Cuirass of Protection PM: 13.84; DTM: (Slash: 6.07|Pierc: 4.73|Crush: 3.19); PAB: (DEX: 4.18|AGI: 2.68|END: 2.68|STR: 2.38)

That's what I need, something like that (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/cry.gif) .

Edit: And now, it's mine (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/tongue.gif) .

This post has been edited by T_Starrk: Sep 21 2012, 14:54
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post Sep 21 2012, 14:36
Post #21402

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Exquisite Plate Gauntlets of Warding
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post Sep 21 2012, 14:42
Post #21403

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http://hentaiverse.org/pages/showequip.php...;key=d0d1afdb2b (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/dry.gif)
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post Sep 21 2012, 15:28
Post #21404

Lolicon / Shotacon
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Superior Shade Breastplate of the Fleet

The physical mitigation is low for a shade breastplate and the attack accuracy bonus sucks... otherwise it would be a decent breastplate (well, it's good enough to put in my shop anyway).
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post Sep 21 2012, 16:21
Post #21405

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Level 383 (Godslayer)

10 6 Eila Ilmatar Juutilainen 501st dropped [Fine Shield Greaves of Dampening]
12 8 Quiche Ikisatashi dropped [Fine Wakizashi of Balance]
12 6 Morte dropped [Superior Plate Gauntlets of the Spirit-ward]
10 8 N3k0 dropped [Superior Buckler of the Nimble]
10 8 Nazuna Raidou dropped [Fine Gossamer Cap of the Priestess]
10 7 Sky Girl dropped [Fine Leather Leggings of Warding]
10 6 Zodiark dropped [Fine Plate Sabatons of Protection]
7 10 Stone Gaza dropped [Fine Kevlar Gauntlets of Protection]
7 4 Eila Ilmatar Juutilainen 501st dropped [Average Leather Helmet of the Wind-waker]
14 5 Ruby dropped [Fine Wakizashi of Balance]
10 6 Old Turtle 6 dropped [Average Rapier of the Vampire]
23 5 Pile Of Dragons dropped [Fine Kevlar Boots of Dampening]
13 6 Elizabeth dropped [Magnificent Power Helmet of Warding] ( ゚д゚)、ペッ
46 8 Arena Clear Bonus! [Magnificent Gossamer Gloves of the Heaven-sent] ( ゚д゚)、ペッ

10 6 Unbreakable dropped [Fair Cotton Gloves of the Thunder-child]
39 5 Need0213 dropped [Fine Plate Greaves of Protection]
72 10 Arena Clear Bonus! [Exquisite Rapier of the Nimble]

67 7 Arena Clear Bonus! [Superior Dagger of the Nimble] FSM (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/mellow.gif)

4 11 Bird Of Paradise dropped [Fine Leather Boots of Warding]
2 12 Ceiling Alligator dropped [Average Cotton Gloves of the Spirit-ward]
45 5 Baloth dropped [Exquisite Plate Gauntlets of the Fire-eater]
48 9 Hitokiri84 dropped [Exquisite Plate Sabatons of Stoneskin]
31 9 Deadly Moth dropped [Average Kevlar Breastplate of Stoneskin]
37 9 Kagome dropped [Superior Tempestuous Dagger of Slaughter]
72 16 Arena Clear Bonus! [Exquisite Redwood Staff of Focus] DwD

7 5 Sheep Knight Holy dropped [Superior Arctic Rapier of the Nimble]
5 11 Elizabeth dropped [Superior Plate Sabatons of Protection]
9 9 Arena Clear Bonus! [Exquisite Scythe of Balance]

5 6 Ceiling Alligator dropped [Superior Buckler of Warding]
5 7 Kuwabara Kazuma dropped [Fine Shield Cuirass of Protection]
9 16 Arena Clear Bonus! [Superior Cotton Gloves of the Fire-eater]
9 9 Bunko dropped [Fine Dagger of the Nimble]

4 9 Ouzai Shadow Killer White dropped [Superior Club of Balance]
4 7 Heran1234 dropped [Superior Ebony Staff of Niflheim]
3 6 Takei Junko dropped [Average Axe of the Banshee]
9 12 Arena Clear Bonus! [Superior Buckler of Protection]

5 7 Hannyabaru dropped [Fine Shade Helmet of Negation]
5 7 Riful dropped [Fine Gossamer Gloves of the Heaven-sent]
6 6 Acqua Of The Back dropped [Exquisite Gossamer Shoes of the Earth-walker]
9 6 Ao Kiji dropped [Superior Leather Breastplate of Warding]
5 5 Ouzai Ogre dropped [Superior Redwood Staff of Focus]
11 12 Arena Clear Bonus! [Exquisite Kevlar Leggings of Protection]
11 7 Ouzai Thief dropped [Exquisite Mace of Balance]

5 10 Hitokiri84 dropped [Superior Cotton Pants of Warding]

10 7 Tomoko Kuroki dropped [Superior Club of Balance]
7 6 Satsuki Yumizuka dropped [Superior Cotton Robe of the Fire-eater]
6 10 Ogiso Setsuna dropped [Fine Shield Gauntlets of Stoneskin]

7 11 Arena Clear Bonus! [Fine Plate Greaves of the Frost-born]

10 6 Ogiso Setsuna dropped [Fine Kevlar Leggings of Protection]

4 9 Reinhard Von Lohengramm dropped [Superior Shield Sabatons of Deflection]
7 12 Eila Ilmatar Juutilainen 501st dropped [Fine Leather Gauntlets of the Frost-born]

7 8 Arena Clear Bonus! [Average Leather Gauntlets of the Spirit-ward]

4 13 Arena Clear Bonus! [Fine Shortsword of Slaughter]

33 6 Liselotte Werckmeister dropped [Superior Shield Greaves of Stoneskin]

15 7 Arena Clear Bonus! [Average Dagger of Balance]
15 5 Heran1234 dropped [Fine Fiery Scythe of the Vampire]

11 9 Dig Dug dropped [Average Leather Helmet of the Thunder-child]
12 5 Haruka Amami dropped [Superior Leather Leggings of the Wind-waker]
12 5 Wretched Egg dropped [Fine Plate Sabatons of Protection]
12 5 Xt-03 dropped [Fine Cotton Cap of the Spirit-ward]
25 5 Need0213 dropped [Superior Kite Shield of the Barrier]
53 12 Arena Clear Bonus! [Superior Plate Greaves of the Wind-waker]

11 6 Liselotte Werckmeister dropped [Average Cotton Shoes of the Thrice-blessed]
9 4 Eila Ilmatar Juutilainen dropped [Superior Mace of the Vampire]
14 4 Aerial Attack Squad dropped [Superior Dagger of Balance]
11 4 Eila Ilmatar Juutilainen 501st dropped [Superior Power Gauntlets of Balance]
10 33 Arena Clear Bonus! [Superior Dagger of Balance]

13 6 Ceiling Alligator dropped [Fine Gossamer Shoes of the Elementalist]
19 6 Wretched Egg dropped [Fine Cotton Shoes of the Thunder-child]
11 5 Tifa Lockhart dropped [Superior Wakizashi of the Nimble]
10 5 Kanoe Yuuko dropped [Superior Cotton Cap of Protection]
13 5 Aerial Attack Squad dropped [Superior Leather Boots of Warding]
14 9 Ouzai Fighter dropped [Fine Axe of Slaughter]
14 8 Need0213 dropped [Superior Club of Slaughter]
14 6 Seikyo Shimbun dropped [Average Cotton Gloves of the Spirit-ward]

21 5 Liselotte Werckmeister dropped [Average Plate Gauntlets of the Thunder-child]
12 6 Liselotte Werckmeister dropped [Superior Shield Sabatons of Dampening]
12 5 Monshiro Kuki dropped [Superior Shade Helmet of the Arcanist]
9 5 Zhongke Sanhuan dropped [Fine Plate Helmet of Protection]
17 8 Satsuki Yumizuka dropped [Average Shield Cuirass of Warding]

[ManBearPig Tail] > Fair Estoc of the Illithid
[ManBearPig Tail] > Average Longsword of Balance
[ManBearPig Tail] > Average Longsword of Slaughter
[ManBearPig Tail] > Superior Longsword of Balance
[ManBearPig Tail] > Average Estoc of Balance
[ManBearPig Tail] > Superior Estoc of Balance
[Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch] > Average Mace of the Banshee
[Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch] > Average Estoc of the Illithid
[Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch] > Average Mace of the Banshee
[Mithra's Flower] > Average Estoc of Slaughter
[Mithra's Flower] > Fine Mace of Slaughter
[Mithra's Flower] > Superior Estoc of the Vampire
[Dalek Voicebox] > Average Longsword of Balance
[Dalek Voicebox] > Fair Longsword of Slaughter
[Lock of Blue Hair] > Fine Redwood Staff of Destruction
[Lock of Blue Hair] > Fine Redwood Staff of Destruction
[Lock of Blue Hair] > Superior Oak Staff of the Earth-walker
[Lock of Blue Hair] > Fine Redwood Staff of Focus
[Lock of Blue Hair] > Fine Willow Staff of Focus
[Lock of Blue Hair] > Fine Redwood Staff of Destruction
[Bunny-Girl Costume] > Superior Oak Staff of Heimdall
[Bunny-Girl Costume] > Fine Redwood Staff of Destruction
[Bunny-Girl Costume] > Average Willow Staff of Focus
[Hinamatsuri Doll] > Fine Willow Staff of the Curse-weaver
[Hinamatsuri Doll] > Fine Oak Staff of Heimdall
[Hinamatsuri Doll] > Fine Redwood Staff of Focus
[Broken Glasses] > Superior Willow Staff of the Curse-weaver
[Sapling] > Exquisite Tempestuous Redwood Staff of Focus ...
[Noodly Appendage] > Exquisite Willow Staff of Destruction ......
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post Sep 21 2012, 16:30
Post #21406

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Lookie what Elizabeth just dropped for me... Exquisite Phase Robe of Heimdall! all four PABs at decent values and a 5.66 EDB is the scaling calculator is still correct

I think it trumps this Exquisite Phase Robe of Freyr I just bought at auction or my older Fine Phase Robe of Heimdall
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post Sep 21 2012, 18:10
Post #21407

Lolicon / Shotacon
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112 10 You gain 3266 Credits!
112 9 You gain 784739 EXP!
112 8 Arena Token Bonus! [Token of Blood]
112 7 Arena Clear Bonus! [Superior Club of Slaughter]
112 6 Urd dropped [Godly Spirit Potion]
112 5 Yggdrasil dropped [Sapling]
112 4 Verdandi dropped [Godly Mana Potion]
112 3 You are Victorious!
112 2 Verdandi has been defeated.
112 1 You crit Verdandi for 21782 void damage.
111 2 Cold Strike crits Verdandi for 1681 cold damage.
111 1 You crit Verdandi for 26139 void damage.
110 2 Cold Strike crits Verdandi for 1968 cold damage.
110 1 You crit Verdandi for 27285 void damage.

IWBTH Trio and the Tree (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/sad.gif)

Sapling: Fine Mace of the Vampire

Bazaar fodder (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/sad.gif) .

Meh, at least I got my 3rd Token of Blood. FSM here I come... I'll be back shortly with the results of my arena bonus and Noodly Appendage offering...
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post Sep 21 2012, 18:15
Post #21408

I Finally Quit This Game
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120 11 You gain 196 Credits!
120 10 You gain 835288 EXP!
120 9 Pyralspite dropped [Superior Club of Slaughter]
120 8 Old Turtle 6 dropped [3x Crystal of Finesse]
120 7 Eila Ilmatar Juutilainen 501st dropped [3x Crystal of Cunning]
120 6 Todokanai Koi dropped [Fine Gossamer Cap of the Elementalist]
120 5 You are Victorious!
120 4 Old Turtle 6 has been defeated.
120 3 Vital Strike hits Old Turtle 6 for 43968 crushing damage.
120 2 You gain the effect Chain 2.
120 1 You use Vital Strike.
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post Sep 21 2012, 18:47
Post #21409

Lolicon / Shotacon
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Level 500 (Godslayer)

229 15 Spirit Stance Exhausted
229 14 You gain 1218 Credits!
229 13 You gain 794474 EXP!
229 12 Arena Token Bonus! [Token of Healing]
229 11 Arena Clear Bonus! [Superior Shield Sabatons of Protection]
229 10 Flying Spaghetti Monster dropped [Noodly Appendage]
229 9 You are Victorious!
229 8 Flying Spaghetti Monster has been defeated.
229 7 Frenzied Blows hits Flying Spaghetti Monster for 25629 void damage.
229 6 Frenzied Blows hits Flying Spaghetti Monster for 26390 void damage.
229 5 Frenzied Blows hits Flying Spaghetti Monster for 23091 void damage.
229 4 Frenzied Blows hits Flying Spaghetti Monster for 20808 void damage.
229 3 Frenzied Blows hits Flying Spaghetti Monster for 22330 void damage.
229 2 Frenzied Blows hits Flying Spaghetti Monster for 28420 void damage.
229 1 You use Frenzied Blows.

Noodly Appendage: Superior Longsword of the Vampire

Lol, more bazaar fodder, that's the lowest quality weapon I've ever gotten from the noodle (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/sad.gif) . On a more positive note, it only took 229 turns, that's the quickest I've ever beaten IWBTH FSM (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/smile.gif) .

This post has been edited by T_Starrk: Sep 21 2012, 18:53
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post Sep 21 2012, 19:29
Post #21411

Achievement Unlocked: CATS! CATS! CATS!
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181 8 Fire Fox dropped [Superior Kevlar Breastplate of Protection]
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post Sep 21 2012, 20:18
Post #21412

Seeker of Pudding
Group: Gold Star Club
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Level 472 (Godslayer)

334 9 You gain 1308 Credits!
334 8 You gain 466909 EXP!
334 7 Arena Token Bonus! [Token of Blood]
334 6 Arena Clear Bonus! [Fine Cotton Pants of Warding]
334 5 Flying Spaghetti Monster dropped [Noodly Appendage]
334 4 You are Victorious!
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post Sep 21 2012, 20:43
Post #21413

My lid is stuck.
Group: Gold Star Club
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Level 500 (Ponyslayer)

QUOTE(T_Starrk @ Sep 21 2012, 10:57) *

That's what I need, something like that (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/cry.gif) .

Edit: And now, it's mine (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/tongue.gif) .

Damn it, it's times like these I wish I wasn't too lazy to maintain a [shop]. Or at least held on to my stuff for longer periods of time.

152C Fine Buckler of the Barrier Block: 20.67; PM: 1.62; AGI: 2.01; DTM: (Crush: 0.69|Pierc: 0.49|Slash: 0.49)
360C Average Phase Shoes of Freyr Wind: 3.17; MAB: 2.97; Evade: 2.91; WIS: 2.58
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post Sep 21 2012, 21:01
Post #21414

Group: Gold Star Club
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Joined: 17-July 10
Level 479 (Godslayer)

49 8 Ouzai Berserker Mode dropped [Crude Kevlar Leggings of Protection]

Beautiful . . .
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post Sep 21 2012, 21:45
Post #21415

Hentai Saisyu Heiki
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Level 261 (Godslayer)

Rinoa Heartilly dropped [Superior Willow Staff of the Curse-weaver]

If it ain't Redwood, it's Willow
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post Sep 21 2012, 21:47
Post #21416

No I said.
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last 5 noodles -> heavy
all elemental plate

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post Sep 21 2012, 21:50
Post #21417

My lid is stuck.
Group: Gold Star Club
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Level 500 (Ponyslayer)

377C Average Shade Helmet of the Fleet ADB: 3.94; Acc: 3.47; Evade: 3.66; PAB: (DEX: 3.19|AGI: 2.28)
65C Fair Gossamer Robe of the Curse-weaver MAB: 4.19; PB: 5.66; Evade: 2.62
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post Sep 21 2012, 23:31
Post #21418

Group: Catgirl Camarilla
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Level 500 (Godslayer)

Akroma dropped [Fine Tower Shield of the Barrier] My first Tower shield (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)
Ogiso Setsuna dropped [Fine Kevlar Leggings of Dampening]
Aeris Gainsborough dropped [Superior Power Helmet of Warding]
Shimajiro dropped [Superior Scythe of Slaughter]

This post has been edited by Mantra64: Sep 22 2012, 00:39
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post Sep 21 2012, 23:40
Post #21419

My lid is stuck.
Group: Gold Star Club
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Level 500 (Ponyslayer)

79C Fair Shield Helmet of Protection Block: 5.5; PM: 6.41; DTM: (Pierc: 4.27|Slash: 3.45|Crush: 2.73)
84C Fair Kevlar Gauntlets of Protection PM: 6.41; DTM: (Crush: 3.14|Pierc: 2.62|Slash: 1.39); DEX: 1.96
1027C Superior Gossamer Shoes of the Elementalist MAB: 1.81; PB: 3; Evade: 2.2; PAB: (AGI: 3.24|INT: 2.64|WIS: 2.34)

Pretty good block for a for a fair helmet.
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post Sep 21 2012, 23:41
Post #21420

Seeker of Pudding
Group: Gold Star Club
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Level 472 (Godslayer)

52 9 You gain 196 Credits!
52 8 You gain 1048499 EXP!
52 7 Jormangund dropped [3x Crystal of Corruption]
52 6 Ouzai Shadow Killer Black dropped [Superior Leather Gauntlets of the Thunder-child]
52 5 Need0213 dropped [3x Crystal of Quintessence]
52 4 Kusakabe Misuzu dropped [Godly Health Potion]
52 3 You are Victorious!


This post has been edited by arkhens: Sep 21 2012, 23:42
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