9 13 Cold Handed Ho dropped [Superior Club of Balance]
9 7 Shinano Art dropped [Fine Leather Boots of the Thunder-child]
12 4 Tehanu dropped [Fine Club of the Nimble]
15 4 Noihara Himari dropped [Superior Shield Greaves of Dampening]
9 5 Pika Thunder dropped [Superior Plate Greaves of Protection]
63 7 Arena Clear Bonus! [Fine Cotton Cap of Protection]
22 4 Laura Bodewig dropped [Fine Power Gauntlets of Protection]
23 6 Elizabeth dropped [Superior Club of the Vampire]
20 5 Smaug dropped [Fine Leather Breastplate of the Frost-born]
68 12 Arena Clear Bonus! [Superior Power Leggings of Protection]
68 7 Mechzilla dropped [Average Gossamer Pants of the Earth-walker]
75 7 Arena Clear Bonus! [Exquisite Kevlar Leggings of Dampening] FSM
9 6 Your Brain Is Mine dropped [Fine Mace of Slaughter]
49 6 Balrog dropped [Superior Gossamer Cap of the Curse-weaver]
46 6 Yuki Nagato dropped [Average Kevlar Helmet of Dampening]
45 8 Eila Ilmatar Juutilainen 501st dropped [Superior Cotton Pants of Warding]
74 10 Arena Clear Bonus! [Superior Gossamer Cap of the Heaven-sent] DwD
10 9 Eila Ilmatar Juutilainen 501st dropped [Exquisite Plate Helmet of the Thunder-child]
10 8 Lucia Of The Blue Star dropped [Average Leather Breastplate of the Frost-born]
8 5 Laura Bodewig dropped [Average Plate Sabatons of Protection]
2 19 Lum dropped [Average Leather Leggings of Warding]
3 24 Shijyou Takane dropped [Fine Power Leggings of Warding]
10 13 Arena Clear Bonus! [Exquisite Cotton Cap of Warding]
10 7 Deadly Moth dropped [Superior Ethereal Longsword of Balance]
4 8 Terraform dropped [Superior Phase Robe of Heimdall]
6 8 Kuroko Shirai dropped [Fine Plate Greaves of the Thrice-blessed]
4 6 Sora Kasugano dropped [Superior Mace of Balance]
10 11 Arena Clear Bonus!
[Magnificent Willow Staff of Focus] ......
10 8 Ferenczi Gyuri dropped [Superior Plate Sabatons of the Wind-waker]
4 8 Sonshi dropped [Average Gossamer Gloves of the Curse-weaver]
5 6 Big Black Clock dropped [Average Cotton Cap of the Wind-waker]
3 11 Sarament dropped [Fine Leather Leggings of the Thunder-child]
8 7 Satsuki Yumizuka dropped [Superior Dagger of Balance]
3 14 Takamura Mamoru dropped [Superior Plate Cuirass of the Thrice-blessed]
4 15 Lala Moo-moo dropped [Fine Leather Boots of the Thunder-child]
9 11 China Petroleum dropped [Fine Cotton Shoes of the Thunder-child]
9 10 Kuroko Shirai dropped [Fine Leather Boots of Warding]
9 8 Boa Sandasonia dropped [Fine Leather Gauntlets of Warding]
3 10 Hannyabaru dropped [Superior Cotton Cap of the Thunder-child]
3 6 Cyberman dropped [Fair Cotton Cap of Warding]
9 9 Liselotte Werckmeister dropped [Fine Shield Greaves of Protection]
3 10 Shimajiro dropped [Superior Leather Breastplate of Warding]
5 5 Need0213 dropped [Superior Demonic Rapier of Balance]
14 7 Eila Ilmatar Juutilainen 501st dropped [Superior Kite Shield of Warding]
5 6 Baloth dropped [Fine Willow Staff of Focus]
4 7 Honjou Kamatari dropped [Superior Plate Cuirass of Warding]
6 10 Ao Kiji dropped [Fine Plate Sabatons of the Spirit-ward]
4 5 Clusting dropped [Fine Axe of Slaughter]
7 6 Bunko dropped [Fine Axe of the Illithid]
5 17 Konohana Sakuya dropped [Fine Axe of Slaughter]
5 15 Lab Experiment Gone Wrong dropped [Fine Leather Breastplate of the Thrice-blessed]
6 16 Kusakabe Misuzu dropped [Superior Club of Balance]
7 5 Butt Frosted Cake dropped [Superior Rapier of Slaughter]
6 6 Sora Kasugano dropped [Exquisite Arctic Redwood Staff of Destruction]
7 11 Ouzai dropped [Fine Cotton Shoes of the Fire-eater]
5 11 Skwisgaar Skwigelf dropped [Average Gossamer Gloves of the Earth-walker]
3 9 Kikyo dropped [Fine Gossamer Pants of the Heaven-sent]
4 11 Guliguli Ball dropped [Superior Shade Breastplate of Negation]
4 10 Aasta dropped [Average Leather Breastplate of the Frost-born]
4 9 Spider-man dropped [Superior Wakizashi of the Nimble]
3 19 Arena Clear Bonus! [Fine Oak Staff of Heimdall]
5 8 Arena Clear Bonus! [Superior Dagger of Balance]
5 7 Doreku dropped [Average Club of Balance]
5 6 Named Humanoid dropped [Average Shield Gauntlets of Stoneskin]
17 10 Arena Clear Bonus! [Average Plate Cuirass of Protection]
17 7 Holy Bell dropped [Superior Kevlar Gauntlets of Protection]
23 4 Xt-03 dropped [Average Kevlar Leggings of Deflection]
8 7 Dizzy dropped [Fine Cotton Pants of the Spirit-ward]
11 6 Elizabeth dropped [Fine Cotton Cap of the Frost-born]
28 5 Holy Bell dropped [Superior Shield Cuirass of Protection]
16 7 Ouzai Small Handsome dropped [Superior Hallowed Rapier of the Nimble]
14 4 Toboe dropped [Fair Cotton Robe of the Fire-eater]
20 6 Yagyuu Kyuubei dropped [Exquisite Shocking Oak Staff of the Earth-walker]
29 5 Kurau Amami dropped [Fine Plate Gauntlets of the Thunder-child]
33 6 Magic The Gandhi dropped [Average Leather Gauntlets of Warding]
15 27 Arena Clear Bonus! [Superior Dagger of Slaughter]
16 5 Nanoha Takamachi dropped [Superior Gossamer Cap of the Elementalist]
20 5 Hitokiri84 dropped [Superior Dagger of Balance]
21 5 Koidewanaku dropped [Superior Willow Staff of the Curse-weaver]
15 26 Smaug dropped [Exquisite Cotton Gloves of the Frost-born]
9 10 Lord English dropped [Average Cotton Shoes of Protection]
[ManBearPig Tail] > Superior Mace of Slaughter
[ManBearPig Tail] > Fine Longsword of Slaughter
[ManBearPig Tail] > Average Longsword of Balance
[Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch] > Average Longsword of the Illithid
[Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch] > Average Longsword of Balance
[Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch] > Fair Mace of Balance
[Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch] > Crude Longsword of the Vampire
[Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch] > Fair Estoc of Slaughter
[Mithra's Flower] > Fair Scythe of Slaughter
[Mithra's Flower] > Fair Mace of the Illithid
[Mithra's Flower] > Average Mace of Balance
[Dalek Voicebox] > Fair Mace of the Banshee
[Dalek Voicebox] > Superior Longsword of Balance
[Dalek Voicebox] > Average Mace of the Illithid
[Lock of Blue Hair] > Average Willow Staff of Destruction
[Lock of Blue Hair] > Fine Oak Staff of the Earth-walker
[Lock of Blue Hair] > Average Oak Staff of the Priestess
[Lock of Blue Hair] > Fine Redwood Staff of Focus
[Bunny-Girl Costume] > Superior Willow Staff of the Curse-weaver
[Bunny-Girl Costume] > Superior Arctic Willow Staff of Focus
[Bunny-Girl Costume] > Superior Astral Redwood Staff of Destruction
[Bunny-Girl Costume] > Fair Oak Staff of the Earth-walker
[Bunny-Girl Costume] > Fine Oak Staff of Heimdall
[Bunny-Girl Costume] > Fine Willow Staff of Destruction
[Bunny-Girl Costume] > Superior Willow Staff of Destruction
[Hinamatsuri Doll] > Fine Willow Staff of Focus
[Hinamatsuri Doll] > Fair Willow Staff of Focus
[Hinamatsuri Doll] > Superior Redwood Staff of Focus
[Broken Glasses] > Average Willow Staff of Destruction
[Broken Glasses] > Average Willow Staff of the Curse-weaver
[Broken Glasses] > Average Oak Staff of the Priestess
[Broken Glasses] > Average Willow Staff of the Curse-weaver
[Sapling] > Superior Oak Staff of the Earth-walker
[Noodly Appendage] > Exquisite Redwood Staff of Destruction ...
Got 10 chaos tokens but 0 tokens of blood. :facepalm: