Forgot to sell off yesterday's stuff, oh well.
238C Fine Axe of the Vampire DMG: 35.57; Crit: 3.75; Proc: BD:(16%[1.31]16%)|Si-H:(16%[6.71]); STR: 3.2
242C Fine Axe of the Vampire DMG: 27.04; Crit: 2.91; Proc: BD:(17%[0.88]12%)|Si-H:(13%[5]); PAB: (STR: 3.5|DEX: 2)
55C Average Club of the Battlecaster DMG: 22.72; MC: 11.60; Proc: Stun:(13%[1.75]); PAB: (STR: 3.18|AGI: 2.28)
96C Fine Club of Balance DMG: 22.78; Acc: 23.8; Crit: 4.9; PAB: (STR: 2.9|DEX: 2.3|AGI: 1.7); Proc: Stun:(22%[1.75])
158C Fine Demonic Club of the Nimble DMG: 22.84; Acc: 10.31; Proc: Stun:(23%[1.75])|Dark Strike; Parry: 3.51; PAB: (STR: 4.12|DEX: 2.61)
185C Fine Dagger of Balance DMG: 15.16; Acc: 30.63; Proc: BD:(21%[2.63]10%); Parry: 7.84; PAB: (AGI: 5.92|DEX: 3.82)
47C Average Rapier of Slaughter DMG: 23.57; Acc: 16.22; Proc: Pen:(19%[2.19]); Parry: 7.12; DEX: 2.27
483C Superior Rapier of Slaughter DMG: 31.43; Acc: 17.92; Proc: Pen:(13%[2.19]); Parry: 8.51; PAB: (DEX: 4.45|STR: 2.35|AGI: 1.75)
152C Fine Estoc of Slaughter DMG: 60.41; Crit: 5.22; STR: 4.41; Proc: Pen:(19%[2.63])
574C Exquisite Longsword of Balance DMG: 35.75; Crit: 8.6; Acc: 24.71; PAB: (STR: 6.26|DEX: 6.26); Proc: BD:(21%[2.19]23%)
50C Average Mace of the Illithid DMG: 31.24; Crit: 4.47; STR: 4.68; Proc: Stun:(21%[1.75])|Si-M:(21%[0.45])
106C Fine Mace of the Vampire DMG: 37.27; Crit: 4.27; Proc: Stun:(26%[1.75])|Si-H:(14%[12.71])
111C Fine Mace of Balance DMG: 37.27; Crit: 6.69; AGI: 2; Proc: Stun:(25%[1.75])
141C Fine Redwood Staff of Destruction MDB: 25.28; MAB: 15.27; PAB: (WIS: 3.81|INT: 3.21)
141C Fine Willow Staff of the Curse-weaver MDB: 10.28; MAB: 17.85; Dark: 3.8; WIS: 3.81
150C Fine Buckler of the Nimble Block: 12.69; Parry: 3.51; PM: 1.2; PAB: (STR: 3.51|AGI: 3.51|DEX: 2.91)
20C Crude Cotton Cap of the Thunder-child MAB: 2.81; DTM: 17.37
82C Fine Cotton Cap of the Spirit-ward MAB: 1.71
95C Fine Cotton Cap of the Fire-eater MAB: 3.65; DTM: 12.67
102C Fine Cotton Cap of the Spirit-ward MAB: 2.37
44C Average Plate Helmet of Protection PM: 9.15; DTM: (Pierc: 5.11|Slash: 4.08|Crush: 1.61); END: 2.58
62C Average Plate Helmet of the Spirit-ward PM: 7.28; DTM: (Slash: 5.11|Pierc: 4.29|Crush: 1.51); STR: 3.49
837C Fine Power Helmet of Protection ADB: 4.87; Acc: 4.29; Crit: 1.02; PM: 6.87; PAB: (STR: 4.41|DEX: 3.51)
24C Fair Leather Breastplate of the Wind-waker PM: 3.89; Evade: 1.38; STR: 1.95; DTM: (Wind: 14.51|Crush: 3.87|Pierc: 2.42|Slash: 0.57)
37C Average Leather Breastplate of Warding PM: 6.42; Evade: 1.39; STR: 1.97; DTM: (Crush: 3.98|Pierc: 1.81|Slash: 0.88)
146C Fine Leather Breastplate of the Frost-born PM: 5.19; Evade: 1.68; PAB: (DEX: 3.82|WIS: 2.62); DTM: (Cold: 18.72|Crush: 4.19|Pierc: 1.83|Slash: 1.21)
128C Fine Cotton Gloves of the Spirit-ward MAB: 1.74; PAB: (AGI: 2.91|DEX: 2.91)
137C Fair Phase Gloves of Mjolnir Elec: 4.34; MAB: 2.9; Evade: 2.37; AGI: 1.35
35C Average Plate Gauntlets of the Thunder-child PM: 6.84; DTM: (Elec: 12.56|Slash: 4.59|Pierc: 3.35|Crush: 2.64); END: 3.77
996C Fine Phase Pants of Surtr Fire: 3.8; MAB: 4.32; Evade: 3.68; PAB: (WIS: 3.52|AGI: 3.22|INT: 2.92)
20C Fair Plate Greaves of Dampening PM: 7.45; DTM: (Pierc: 4.79|Slash: 4.07|Crush: 3.96); STR: 3.14
68C Average Plate Greaves of Deflection PM: 9.38; DTM: (Slash: 7.79|Pierc: 3.88|Crush: 2.02); END: 3.79
73C Fair Shield Greaves of the Barrier Block: 6.47; PM: 5.35; DTM: (Pierc: 5|Slash: 4.89|Crush: 3.14)
69C Crude Kevlar Leggings of Deflection PM: 5.12; DTM: (Crush: 3.85|Pierc: 3.65|Slash: 2.51)
169C Average Kevlar Boots of Stoneskin PM: 3.91; DTM: (Pierc: 4.29|Crush: 3.98|Slash: 1.4)
59C Average Leather Boots of the Spirit-ward PM: 3.91; Evade: 0.9; WIS: 1.99; DTM: (Crush: 2.64|Pierc: 1.1|Slash: 0.68)