14 5 Kusakabe Misuzu dropped [Superior Plate Cuirass of the Thunder-child]
17 4 Old Turtle 6 dropped [Superior Cotton Gloves of the Frost-born]
11 8 Lily Black dropped [Fine Kevlar Leggings of Dampening]
17 4 Ren Metherlence dropped [Fine Plate Greaves of Dampening]
12 7 Fat Bottomed Girls dropped [Superior Redwood Staff of Destruction]
57 8 Arena Clear Bonus! [Superior Plate Helmet of Dampening]
57 6 Urd dropped [Fair Leather Breastplate of Warding]
20 4 Pinyin dropped [Average Shield Gauntlets of Dampening]
14 5 Wretched Egg dropped [Fine Plate Cuirass of the Thunder-child]
19 5 Noihara Himari dropped [Exquisite Gossamer Pants of the Curse-weaver]
20 7 Elizabeth dropped [Superior Cotton Gloves of the Thrice-blessed]
13 4 Wretched Egg dropped [Fine Plate Helmet of the Wind-waker]
18 4 Dark Joker dropped [Fine Phase Shoes of Niflheim]
13 7 Last Exile dropped [Superior Plate Sabatons of Protection]
70 11 Arena Clear Bonus! [Superior Plate Cuirass of Dampening]
77 6 Arena Clear Bonus! [Fine Phase Pants of Freyr] FSM
6 10 Koidewanaku dropped [Superior Dagger of Slaughter]
6 9 Aerial Attack Squad dropped [Fine Leather Breastplate of the Thunder-child]
4 7 Lala Moo-moo dropped [Average Leather Breastplate of the Fire-eater]
3 6 Unohananosakuyahime dropped [Fine Plate Helmet of the Thrice-blessed]
45 5 Wxhzb6b dropped [Superior Leather Helmet of the Frost-born]
77 8 Arena Clear Bonus! [Superior Leather Boots of the Spirit-ward] DwD (IMG:[
77 7 Rhaegal dropped [Superior Shield Greaves of Deflection]
77 6 Drogon dropped [Fine Kevlar Breastplate of Deflection]
12 6 Ouzai Shadow Killer Black dropped [Superior Plate Sabatons of the Fire-eater]
3 5 Pie Ikisatashi dropped [Average Leather Breastplate of the Frost-born]
3 9 Ouzai Bear dropped [Superior Plate Helmet of the Fire-eater]
6 6 Eila Ilmatar Juutilainen 501st dropped [Fine Phase Pants of Mjolnir]
3 12 You Taste Like Shit dropped [Fine Gossamer Pants of the Heaven-sent]
7 6 Lisette Vertorre dropped [Fine Cotton Gloves of the Fire-eater]
9 8 Hyo-hyo dropped [Average Cotton Robe of the Spirit-ward]
5 13 Peroona dropped [Fine Plate Gauntlets of Protection]
10 9 Kuroko Shirai dropped [Fine Axe of Slaughter]
10 7 Ouzai Berserker Mode dropped [Fine Leather Helmet of the Wind-waker]
5 11 Ouzai dropped
[Exquisite Power Armor of Balance]8 13 Arena Clear Bonus! [Exquisite Plate Gauntlets of the Spirit-ward]
8 8 Hmx-17c dropped [Fine Shield Sabatons of Deflection]
11 13 Arena Clear Bonus! [Fine Shield Cuirass of Protection]
4 12 Lum dropped [Average Buckler of Warding]
4 6 Wretched Egg dropped [Fine Phase Robe of Freyr]
16 12 Arena Clear Bonus! [Exquisite Cotton Pants of the Fire-eater]
16 5 Riful dropped [Average Phase Gloves of Heimdall]
4 8 Unohananosakuyahime dropped [Fine Mace of Slaughter]
10 5 Eila Ilmatar Juutilainen 501st dropped [Fine Plate Helmet of the Spirit-ward]
9 10 Forum Troll dropped [Superior Wakizashi of Balance]
4 6 Ouzai Magician dropped [Superior Longsword of Balance]
7 7 Ouzai Berserker Mode dropped [Superior Shortsword of Balance]
5 13 Hannyabaru dropped [Superior Axe of Slaughter]
5 7 Akizuki Marina dropped [Fine Shield Gauntlets of Protection]
4 10 Arena Clear Bonus! [Fine Cotton Shoes of the Thrice-blessed]
4 6 Ruby dropped [Average Gossamer Pants of the Elementalist]
6 5 Acqua Of The Back dropped [Superior Gossamer Cap of the Priestess]
4 9 Nanoha Takamachi dropped [Average Leather Gauntlets of the Wind-waker]
7 12 Arena Clear Bonus! [Fine Kite Shield of Warding]
7 11 Deadly Moth dropped [Fine Leather Boots of the Wind-waker]
3 12 Shijyou Takane dropped [Superior Axe of Slaughter]
4 10 Arena Clear Bonus! [Fine Kite Shield of the Barrier]
4 8 Firstuser2000 dropped [Average Leather Helmet of the Wind-waker]
4 11 Arena Clear Bonus! [Average Axe of Slaughter]
21 5 Acqua Of The Back dropped [Fine Plate Gauntlets of the Frost-born]
17 4 Kanoe Yuuko dropped [Superior Rapier of Slaughter]
8 4 Skwisgaar Skwigelf dropped [Fair Cotton Robe of the Wind-waker]
16 6 King J-der dropped [Fine Gossamer Cap of the Elementalist]
30 5 Old Turtle 6 dropped [Fair Cotton Robe of Protection]
90 9 Pyralspite dropped [Fine Cotton Cap of Warding]
90 6 Avatar Of Ontis dropped [Fine Leather Breastplate of the Frost-born]
7 9 Maid Guy dropped [Superior Buckler of Protection]
7 6 Kieu Phong dropped [Superior Scythe of Slaughter]
13 5 Xiang Yu dropped [Fine Plate Helmet of the Spirit-ward]
7 11 Liu Bang dropped [Fine Longsword of Balance]
14 4 Bluebird dropped [Superior Axe of Slaughter]
9 9 Satsuki Yumizuka dropped [Fine Cotton Gloves of Protection]
17 4 Ogiso Setsuna dropped [Fine Shortsword of Balance]
15 6 Elizabeth dropped [Fine Axe of Slaughter]
13 4 Need0213 dropped [Exquisite Gossamer Robe of the Curse-weaver]
26 5 Goblin Engineer dropped [Superior Rapier of Slaughter]
24 6 Kung Fu Fighter dropped [Superior Axe of Slaughter]
18 5 Neptunia dropped [Fine Leather Leggings of the Frost-born]
13 11 Arena Clear Bonus! [Superior Axe of the Illithid]
14 4 China Petroleum dropped [Fine Leather Gauntlets of Warding]
12 11 Arena Clear Bonus! [Fine Cotton Robe of Warding]
12 10 Anivia dropped [Fine Cotton Cap of the Wind-waker]
42 5 Riful dropped [Fine Plate Helmet of Protection]
25 12 Arena Clear Bonus! [Magnificent Cotton Cap of the Frost-born]
3 9 Sonshi dropped [Fine Leather Breastplate of the Frost-born]
59 5 Liselotte Werckmeister dropped [Average Kevlar Breastplate of Protection]
28 13 Arena Clear Bonus! [Superior Plate Gauntlets of the Wind-waker]
28 10 Skwisgaar Skwigelf dropped [Superior Leather Leggings of the Spirit-ward]
28 9 Unohananosakuyahime dropped [Fine Phase Gloves of Freyr]
8 8 Stona dropped [Fine Cotton Robe of the Thunder-child]
8 5 Goblin Engineer dropped [Superior Shade Helmet of Negation]
12 8 Bazaar Bot dropped [Fair Cotton Robe of Protection]
[ManBearPig Tail] > Fine Longsword of Slaughter
[ManBearPig Tail] > Average Longsword of Balance
[ManBearPig Tail] > Average Mace of Balance
[ManBearPig Tail] > Fair Estoc of Balance
[ManBearPig Tail] > Fair Estoc of Slaughter
[ManBearPig Tail] > Fair Estoc of Balance
[ManBearPig Tail] > Average Mace of Slaughter
[Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch] > Fine Longsword of Balance
[Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch] > Fair Mace of Balance
[Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch] > Superior Estoc of Slaughter
[Mithra's Flower] > Crude Longsword of Balance
[Mithra's Flower] > Fine Mace of Balance
[Mithra's Flower] > Fine Estoc of Balance
[Mithra's Flower] > Fair Longsword of Balance
[Mithra's Flower] > Fine Mace of Slaughter
[Mithra's Flower] > Fine Estoc of the Vampire
[Dalek Voicebox] > Average Longsword of Slaughter
[Dalek Voicebox] > Crude Mace of Balance
[Dalek Voicebox] > Fine Longsword of Slaughter
[Lock of Blue Hair] > Fine Longsword of the Vampire
[Lock of Blue Hair] > Fine Mace of Balance
[Lock of Blue Hair] > Fine Mace of Balance
[Lock of Blue Hair] > Fine Longsword of Slaughter
[Lock of Blue Hair] > Exquisite Shocking Estoc of Balance
[Lock of Blue Hair] > Fine Estoc of Slaughter
[Lock of Blue Hair] > Fair Scythe of Balance
[Bunny-Girl Costume] > Fair Estoc of Balance
[Bunny-Girl Costume] > Superior Longsword of Slaughter
[Bunny-Girl Costume] > Superior Mace of Slaughter
[Bunny-Girl Costume] > Average Estoc of Balance
[Bunny-Girl Costume] > Superior Estoc of Balance
[Bunny-Girl Costume] > Superior Ethereal Katana of Balance
[Hinamatsuri Doll] > Fine Estoc of the Vampire
[Hinamatsuri Doll] > Average Estoc of Slaughter
[Hinamatsuri Doll] > Superior Estoc of Balance
[Hinamatsuri Doll] > Fair Mace of Slaughter
[Hinamatsuri Doll] > Fine Mace of the Vampire
[Hinamatsuri Doll] > Fair Mace of Balance
[Hinamatsuri Doll] > Average Estoc of the Vampire
[Hinamatsuri Doll] > Average Mace of Balance
[Hinamatsuri Doll] > Fine Estoc of Balance
[Hinamatsuri Doll] > Average Estoc of Slaughter
[Hinamatsuri Doll] > Superior Estoc of Slaughter
[Hinamatsuri Doll] > Fine Mace of Balance
[Hinamatsuri Doll] > Fine Mace of the Vampire
[Broken Glasses] > Average Scythe of Slaughter
[Broken Glasses] > Fine Longsword of Balance
[Broken Glasses] > Fine Longsword of Balance
[Broken Glasses] > Fair Mace of Slaughter
[Broken Glasses] > Average Longsword of Balance
[Broken Glasses] > Fine Estoc of Slaughter
[Broken Glasses] > Fine Mace of Slaughter
[Broken Glasses] > Fine Estoc of Balance
[Sapling] > Fine Willow Staff of the Curse-weaver
[Noodly Appendage] > Superior Shocking Willow Staff of Focus ...