My Equipment drop shortage has finally ended...
3 4 Arena Clear Bonus! Received:
[Average Steel Chainmail Boots of Protection] 0 1 Initializing arena challenge #1 (Round 1 / 1) ...
Average Steel Chainmail Boots of Protection ====================================
Physical Absorption 3.0
Physical Mitigation 1.6
Magical Absorption 1.2
Magical Mitigation 1.3
Damage Type Mitigations
Crushing 2.3 Slashing 3.5
Piercing 0.7
Burden 9.7
Interference 9.7
Primary Attribute Bonuses
Endurance 0.8
Level 58 / Slot: Feet / Type: Heavy armor
These don't compare to what I already have...
Fine Diamond Plate Sabatons of Dampening
Physical Absorption 7.4 (2.8)
Physical Mitigation 1.6 (1.3)
Magical Absorption 7.1 (2.7)
Magical Mitigation 2.3 (1.8)
Damage Type Mitigations
Crushing 4.8 (3.8) Slashing 6.2 (4.8)
Piercing 4.2 (3.3)
Burden 14.2
Interference 15.4
Primary Attribute Bonuses
Strength 4.7 (1.7) Endurance 4.7 (1.7)
Level 186 / Slot: Feet / Type: Heavy armor
+630 Sold "Average Steel Chainmail Boots of Protection" *****
17 4 Green Slime dropped
[Fair Gold-adorned Dragon Hide Boots of Warding] 0 1 Initializing Grindfest (Round 13) ... (2H Cake Plate)
Fair Gold-adorned Dragon Hide Boots of Warding (Sell Price: 1,117 C)
Physical Absorption 1.3
Physical Mitigation 1.1
Magical Absorption 2.1
Magical Mitigation 1.1
Damage Type Mitigations
Crushing 1.1 Slashing 0.9
Piercing 0.3
Evade Chance 1.4
Resist Chance 1.7
Burden 4.3
Interference 4.3
Primary Attribute Bonuses
Strength 0.4 Dexterity 0.4
Agility 0.4
Level 58 / Slot: Feet / Type: Light armor
Keeping it even though my Ruby Shoes has more Absorption, more Agility, and an Attack Accuracy bonus, plus I don't think we are in Kansas anymore. (IMG:[
I am enjoying my new
Average Diamond Longsword. I am lasting longer with it then with High-Attack Accuracy Dual-Wielding...
Average Diamond Longsword====================================
Weapon Damage Type Slashing
Hit Proc: 21% chance for Bleeding Wound
Duration: 4 (3) turns / Damage: 256 (95) per tick
Attack Damage Multiplier 33.6 (19.1)
Attack Accuracy Bonus 7.0 (6.6)
Burden 23.3
Interference 15.9
Primary Attribute Bonuses
Dexterity 3.4 (1.2)
Level 180 / Slot: 2handed / Type: Two-handed weapon
Bleed is actually (115) per tick. That's a +36 gain over my old one and its ADM is 50% higher, too. Both of these are making a difference.