10 9 Arena Clear Bonus! [Average Plate Cuirass of Deflection]
10 6 Akroma dropped [Average Shortsword of Balance]
17 8 Arena Clear Bonus! [Fine Kevlar Leggings of Deflection]
17 4 Heran1234 dropped [Fair Willow Staff of Destruction]
10 6 Sakurai Kei dropped [Fine Cotton Gloves of the Fire-eater]
7 10 Renamed Reptilian dropped [Superior Leather Gauntlets of Warding]
7 8 Ouzai Warrior dropped [Fine Gossamer Robe of the Curse-weaver
14 12 Arena Clear Bonus! [
Superior Demonic Axe of Slaughter]
49 8 Yunocchi dropped [Average Leather Helmet of the Wind-waker]
This post has been edited by Mantra64: Sep 1 2012, 08:39