6 4 Ouzai Ogre dropped [Superior Arctic Oak Staff of the Earth-walker] 4 9 Arena Clear Bonus! [Fair Gossamer Cap of the Elementalist] 4 7 Applejack dropped [Fine Cotton Gloves of Warding] 8 5 Acqua Of The Back dropped [Crude Cotton Gloves of the Wind-waker] 10 8 Bloody Marie dropped [Average Plate Cuirass of the Thrice-blessed] 10 7 Akroma dropped [Average Katalox Staff of the Heaven-sent] 44 9 Giantastic dropped [Fine Kite Shield of Protection] 44 7 Freddie dropped [Superior Gossamer Cap of the Priestess] 11 9 Sg550 Shigu dropped [Fine Scythe of Balance]
This post has been edited by Mantra64: Aug 28 2012, 21:11