QUOTE(zero1018101 @ Jun 24 2017, 23:27)
若怪物的PL2250 屬性全部平均 能加多少點?
不是用水晶加属性提升 PL ,而是使用混沌强化会提升“礼物系数”。
- To enable going over 100%, the monster double gift chance was changed to a fixed "gift factor" that directly modifies the number of gifts a monster gives. Every point of scavenging will increase this factor by 2.5%, while every point in any other chaos upgrade will increase it by 0.5%, for a maximum of +160%. This should somewhat shift the balance towards fully developed monsters rather than scavenge armies.
为了使数值能超过 100% ,怪物的“双倍礼物概率”现在被修复“礼物系数”所替换,也就是能直接提升怪物给与礼物的数量。每一点“拾
荒”将会提升 2.5% 的礼物系数,而每一点其他混沌强化会提升 0.5% ,最高可提升至 160% 。这用于平衡全强化怪物和只强化拾荒的怪物大军。