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> E-Hentai Update Log 2017

post Jan 1 2017, 15:11
Post #1



- Added Bitcoin Cash (BCH) support.


- Added uploader filtering.

- Added checkboxes under Advanced Search to temporarily turn off language and/or uploader filtering.

PS: Fixed an issue where the excluded names list could be reset.


- The forums was updated to use reCAPTCHA v2. Let me know if you encounter any issues with this.


- The new Autotagger system is now live. This will automatically sweep over older galleries and clean up/replace tags to match the current tagging standard. These retags do not affect tagging stats.


- Corrected an issue where upload errors weren't always displayed.


- Renaming galleries that were posted more than 24 hours ago now requires a rename petition. The name can still be changed as part of a gallery update.


- Reclass tag votes will now be automatically pruned from galleries that have had no such votes for 30 days. Galleries are still locked to the highest voted category at the time, and a new reclass tag is required to change it. This does not affect tagging stats.

- Redundant votes for tags that are slaved to reclass tags are pruned without any grace time.


- Some additional redundant tags will now be automatically pruned from the system - specifically, "misc" tags that have no visible usage and that are grouped with a namespaced tag with the exact same name. There were a few hundred of these in the system, and they were not useful for anything.


- Corrected an issue with internal statistics gathering for tags that left some tags with an inconsistent or missing usage tally, which made those tags only searchable for exact matches.


- Added some archiver reliability improvements to work around some recent issues connecting to other servers. (Update: Corrected a regression where some archiver links were not working.)


- The BTC rate calculations no longer use BitcoinCharts due to some persistent API issues. We now use a combination of Bitstamp's volume-weighted daily average and CoinMarketCap's current average of all exchanges, plus the customary 10%. The new rate calculation will quickly catch up to increases in the exchange rates, but has an internal decay that, in case of major downwards fluctuations, caps rate reductions to no more than 0.1% per hour.


- The old upload lock was not sufficiently reliable to prevent issues when aggressively uploading files to the same gallery in multiple tabs, and has been replaced with a proper lock. Note that this is not recommended, and if you do start multiple concurrent uploads to the same gallery, you can never be sure that the uploads will be processed in the order you start them.


- DNP keywords should now never prevent tag searches for unrelated tags.


- Minor improvements to the H@H initial speed testing. This should help with potential issues when slow clients and clients with poor connectivity to the RPC servers have a high configured throttle, by dynamically adjusting the test size. (1.3+ only)


- Corrected a regression where some H@H clients would fail to start up.


- Improvements to H@H client speed discovery by taking long-term overload data into account.


- If you previously had a Bitcoin address generated, you may notice that the displayed address has now changed due to an internal change in the address type we use. As always, previously generated addresses will keep working.


- Fixed a validation issue where a small subset of Bitcoin addresses would make the QR code generator fail. (Copying the address itself would still have worked fine.)


The H@H status readout has been reworked.

- The "estimated" network capacity and utilization has been removed, as it didn't really show anything relevant, and certainly didn't show what most people would think.

- A H@H Miss% readout has been added. This is the percentage of requests that would have gone to a H@H client if one was available, but where none could be found. During the peak load of a region, this is by far the best indicator for whether a region needs more clients or not. Anything above ~0% during peak hours means more clients are genuinely useful.

- Global stats are now calculated for all metrics.


- Corrected a regression with gallery search pagination when certain filter options were used.


- Tag moderators now have the ability to rename tags. Details are found here for people this applies to.

- Tag changes that affect the gallery tag pane should now always reset the affected caches to prevent stale information from being displayed.

- When searching in exact mode, such as with the /tag/ URLs, slave tags now also return matches for their master unless ?skip_mastertags=1 is appended to the URL, in order to preserve existing searches when doing renames.


- The tagging system was reworked to operate on chains of galleries. This is mostly relevant for taggers, so the notes can be read here.


- The H@H Downloader now uses the same filename collision avoidance/order preservation algorithm as the archiver. Meaning, it will prefix all filenames with the page number unless all the filenames are unique and the file order is the same as both the regular and natural sort order. (This is a server-side change and does not require a client update.)


- The bitcoin system will now automatically create a new wallet address for you if the previous address was used and it's been more than 24 hours since it was generated.

(Old addresses are never invalidated and you will always be credited on any of the addresses ever generated for you, but address reuse is generally discouraged for [en.bitcoin.it] security and privacy reasons, so we recommend using the newest one every time.)


- Bounty rewards from people other than the poster now also lock in after 15 minutes, and can then only be rescinded after a month or if the bounty is cancelled.

- Bounty results was bumped up from 25 to 50 results per page.


- Gallery rename votes are no longer allowed unless the vote challenges the top rename, or the last vote was made fairly recently. This prevents ghost votes on old renames. (The old vote cap of 200 or next highest rename + 100 is still in place.)


- H@H download GP costs now always has the donator discount applied regardless of donation status.

- Corrected an issue where starting a H@H download would also unlock an archive download.

- The "Get External Gallery" code generator functionality was retired. It was barely being used, and nixing it makes some future changes far easier.


- Galleries is currently testing out Cloudflare for frontend reverse proxying. This will take effect over the next 24 hours.


- Internal and public XHR/API usage was moved to the separate api.e-hentai.org subdomain. This shouldn't visibly affect anything, but let me know if you run into any unusual browser-specific CORS/same-origin restriction issues.


- Corrected an issue when changing orientation on mobile devices where images could end up squished to a thin line when in a specific viewing mode. This was caused by a variable name collision with one of the ad scripts.


- Corrected a rare replication timing issue that could cause deleted favorites to linger in a glitchy way after the favorite page reloads.


- The improved geolocation was pushed to the main cluster, which among other things adds IPv6 geolocation and thus removes one of the blockers for rolling out IPv6 support.

- An improved gallery report system was added. This primarily clarifies what kind of information is required for different kinds of reports, making it easier both to submit and review reports. It also lets you view and edit recently submitted reports, and will automatically prefill some fields if you previously submitted any reports.

- The "low power" tag search option will no longer expand the search with tags that have no visible usage, as these would cause the search engine to run out of memory for some search terms.


- The poster of a bounty now gets a slightly different bounty screen, without the claim dialog that they cannot use, leaving more room for the rewards and claims.

- Additional rewards added by the bounty poster are now locked in after a 15 minute grace period. These can then only be rescinded by cancelling the entire bounty.

- When a bounty acceptance is flagged as Reserved, existing rewards are now locked in. New rewards added while the bounty is in the reserved state will also be locked in after a 15 minute grace period. This lock is released if the reservation is withdrawn or removed.


- Some improvements to IP geolocation are currently being tested on the H@H servers. Let me know if this flips any previously correct locations to a wrong one.


- Corrected an issue where some torrent files weren't available when they should be.


- As the Firefox issue has been mostly fixed, we are no longer blocking H@H clients prior to 1.4.1 from starting up. As such, 1.2.6, 1.3.x and 1.4.0 will work again, but we're still recommending that everyone updates to 1.4.1, and older clients will still be flagged as "outdated".


- Torrent file downloads are now fully HTTPS. The additional redirect to repo was also eliminated.

- H@H clients that maintain a quality low watermark of at least 7000 can now go past 5000 static ranges, up to a new limit of 6000.

- Similarly, we now require a quality low watermark of 3000 to go past 1000 ranges, and 5000 to go past 2000 ranges.


- Added a warning to the H@H page if you have any outdated clients currently active.


- Corrected a problem with the uploader's folder manager where the display order could start shuffling around if you had 10 or more folders.

- Hentai@Home 1.4.1 is now the minimum version required. Older clients have to update at the next restart. (Usually older clients would be allowed for far longer, but the Firefox fail makes it somewhat urgent, and they aren't planning on patching their screwup any time soon.)


- The switchover is now in full effect, and old links should now all be redirected. Let us know if something points to the wrong location.


- Galleries was moved to the root level domain, and switched to HTTPS. The old g.e will soon start forcing redirects there.

- The MPV now has a minimum 500ms delay between each image dispatch request, to prevent the frontend DDoS protection from temporarily blocking it when scrolling very fast or loading a page with many small images.


- Corrected an issue where a Bitcoin transaction that had multiple outputs to addresses in the EH system would only have one of the outputs credited. (This only affected two transactions ever.)


- H@H 1.2.6 is now the lowest supported version. Clients older than 1.2.6 will have to update when they are next restarted. (1.4.0 is the current and recommended version.)


- The new uploader was deployed. Changes can be found here.


- The throttle for H@H clients can no longer be set to higher than 2000000 KB/s (2 GB/s) to prevent an out-of-bounds integer.


- Fixed an issue where generating folder BBCode for galleries in the "Unsorted" folder didn't work.

- Added an repeated auto-reload check to the MPV to prevent retarded browser extensions from getting people banned.

- Long gallery names should no longer cut off the Japanese script name on the gallery page.
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post Jan 1 2017, 21:37
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>Long gallery names should no longer cut off the Japanese script name on the gallery page.

Thanks for this.
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post Jan 2 2017, 08:20
Post #3
Usagi =

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Scroll Bar for MPV please!
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post Jan 2 2017, 10:03
Post #4

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"- Long gallery names should no longer cut off the Japanese script name on the gallery page."

Ah, that's great, thanks..........yeah, having one of those myself I'll just say it was a little disconcerting to notice it every other day or so.

Hey, it wasn't (entirely) my fault, the author gave it a ridiculously long title to begin with, and I.....well, yeah, I made it worse by adding the English translation to it (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif)
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post Jan 2 2017, 19:21
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QUOTE(svines85 @ Jan 2 2017, 03:03) *

"- Long gallery names should no longer cut off the Japanese script name on the gallery page."

Ah, that's great, thanks..........yeah, having one of those myself I'll just say it was a little disconcerting to notice it every other day or so.

Hey, it wasn't (entirely) my fault, the author gave it a ridiculously long title to begin with, and I.....well, yeah, I made it worse by adding the English translation to it (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif)

In regards to long titles: yeah, every once in a while you'd have a long title, but once ore imo came out it became a nightmare both for the title itself, but also when you'd include the full parody name. @__@
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post Jan 10 2017, 01:21
Post #6

The Great and Powerful Derpy
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I like the "delete" image outside the number listing, makes it so much easier (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif)

Big Thank You, TenB (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif)
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post Jan 22 2017, 14:16
Post #7

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Hm. Anyone mind if I asked a question here? Seems like going to e-hentai.org just redirects me to the same page I'd get going to g.e-hentai.org, so I'm not exactly sure how to get GP anymore.
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post Jan 22 2017, 16:21
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post Jan 23 2017, 06:46
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I mean, I don't remember the wiki ever listing down the method to get GP the way I said? That is, visiting the homepage. Was that simply removed? If it wasn't, the GP page on the wiki doesn't state anything about it at all.

EDIT: Never mind, I got it. I simply had to visit the new News page.

This post has been edited by Brodon: Jan 23 2017, 06:51
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post Jan 23 2017, 06:52
Post #10

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post Jan 25 2017, 02:10
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Running the site on Firefox its taking 30s to a minute to load each image.

No such delay on chrome...

Similar delay in forums, page behaves as though its loading for half a minute after all the posts are loaded.

This post has been edited by its-just-me: Jan 25 2017, 02:22
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post Jan 25 2017, 02:28
Post #12
blue penguin

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QUOTE(hzqr @ Jan 24 2017, 15:59) *

If you're using Firefox, try disabling HSTS Priming (about:config > search security.mixed_content.send_hsts_priming > set it to false)

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post Jan 25 2017, 02:38
Post #13

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Thanks blue penguin that works... for now.

Forums still permanently displaying the loading symbol though

This post has been edited by its-just-me: Jan 25 2017, 02:40
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post Jan 25 2017, 15:25
Post #14

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Try disabling HSTS entirely (set security.mixed_content.use_hsts to false), might work
The [ftp.mozilla.org] latest Aurora* should fix the HSTS Priming thing (the timeout thing won't technically be fixed but at least priming requests will only be sent for resources that are actually being blocked due to mixed content issues, which is the issue here)

* aka Firefox 53, it's in alpha right now, but it should move to the dev channel in April
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post Jan 28 2017, 23:22
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I switched to Edge to get around the Firefox issue on the galleries, but keep getting screen locker popups that force me to reboot my machine every few hours. Apparently Norton Security is worth nothing on Edge, think I will try using IE and see if that makes a difference.
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post Jan 29 2017, 00:57
Post #16

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QUOTE(MikeEllis @ Jan 28 2017, 22:22) *

I switched to Edge to get around the Firefox issue on the galleries, but keep getting screen locker popups that force me to reboot my machine every few hours. Apparently Norton Security is worth nothing on Edge, think I will try using IE and see if that makes a difference.

Why not Chrome/Chromium?

This post has been edited by gianfrix94: Jan 29 2017, 00:57
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post Jan 29 2017, 01:11
Post #17

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Regarding IE:

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post Jan 29 2017, 01:27
Post #18
blue penguin

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QUOTE(gianfrix94 @ Jan 28 2017, 22:57) *
Why not Chrome/Chromium?
Keeps breaking 'cause it cannot deal with my old GPU. And if i disable GPU acceleration the page keeps blinking on reload.

You either pay with bad memory management and massive scewups - FF
or annoying popups and dodgy rendering - chrome-family

I really do not know which is better.
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post Jan 29 2017, 01:40
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QUOTE(blue penguin @ Jan 29 2017, 00:27) *

Keeps breaking 'cause it cannot deal with my old GPU. And if i disable GPU acceleration the page keeps blinking on reload.

You either pay with bad memory management and massive scewups - FF
or annoying popups and dodgy rendering - chrome-family

I really do not know which is better.

I use Chrome on an old Core Duo with integrated gpu and nothing blinks ever, strange.

But FF keeps doing stupid shit so there's no way i'll ever use it again, they are finished.
They are even discontinuing the old type of extensions now.

This post has been edited by gianfrix94: Jan 29 2017, 01:43
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post Jan 29 2017, 05:27
Post #20

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It looks like the bug (?) that stopped +karma from displaying the origin thread for the past few months was fixed? Or maybe one of the other changes incidentally fixed the issue. Yay
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