CL[LV443] Legendary Amber Phase Robe of Fenrir ,100K (CY托售), EDB 68%, Int 68%, Wis 38%, Agi 19%, Evd 78%, Pmit 50%
2H[LV367][114738661] Legendary Fiery Longsword of Slaughter PXP354,45K (CY托售)
HE[LV404][123598583] Legendary Cobalt Power Boots of Protection PXP360,90K (CY托售)
Legendary Amber Cotton Robe of the Demon-fiend拆->18K
Magnificent Radiant Phase Gloves of Surtr拆->20K
Legendary Shielding Plate Sabatons of Dampening上拍->50K
1H[LV231][114107133] Legendary Shocking Club of Slaughter PXP354,125K (BL托售)
2H[LV258][114827384] Magnificent Arctic Mace of Slaughter PXP334,220K (BL托售)
LI[LV221][113969125] Magnificent Shade Boots of Negation PXP336,20K(BL托售)
This post has been edited by hc br: Aug 26 2017, 17:06